The Pope prays for war refugees in Ukrainian and Russian

The Pope prays for war refugees in Ukrainian and Russian – World

“We differ to form a symphony of voices. To form a symphony of peoples. this is peace This is what Pope Francis said during the audience in Paul VI Hall. at the Piccolo Coro dell’Antoniano in Bologna and in the choirs of the Galassia dell’Antoniano. “Saint Joseph, you have seen the suffering of those who have had to flee, you have had to emigrate to save the lives of those close to you, protect all those who are fleeing because of the war, support them in trouble, give them hope and make ‘that they meet with acceptance and solidarity. Amen”. This is the text of the new tweet published today by Pope Francis on the occasion of the feast of St. Joseph also in Ukrainian and Russian with hashtags #PregiamoInsieme and #Ukraine.

Pope Francis’ new tweet also in Ukrainian and Russian

The news in the reform of the Roman Curia – “Today, March 19, 2022, Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with this publication in the Bulletin of the Press Office, the Holy Father Francis proclaims the text of the Apostolic Constitution Predicate Gospel to the Roman Curia and his ministry to the Church in the world, which will come into force on June 5, 2022, the Feast of Pentecost.

With the entry into force of this Apostolic Constitution, the Apostolic Constitution Pastor’s Bonus will be completely superseded and replaced, and thus the reform action regarding the Roman Curia will take its full form,” according to the Vatican Press Office, to renew the Church in the image of Christ’s own charity mission. His disciples are therefore called to be the “light of the world”. In this way the Church reflects the saving love of Christ, which is the light of the world.” Pope Francis affirms this in the preamble to the new Apostolic Constitution, Gospel Predicate. Church, reform is also provided by the Roman Curia,” he adds.

After the Secretariat of State, which has the function of “Pontifical Secretariat” and “closely assists the Pope in the exercise of his supreme mission”, the first dicastery of the Roman Curia is reformed with the new Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Gospel, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, as they it was in Pope Wojtyla’s “Pastor Bonus,” but the Dicastery for Evangelization, which will be directed directly by the Pope and “will have two sections: one for the fundamental questions of evangelization in the world and one for initial evangelization and the new particular Churches in the areas of their jurisdiction”

The Charity Dicastery is established -In the new Roman Curia, drafted by the Predicate Gospel apostolic constitution, a new dicastery for the ministry of charity is born, which, “also called apostolic charity, is a particular expression of mercy and, starting from the option for the poor, the weak and the excluded, carries out in every part of the world the work of aid and assistance to them in the name of the Pope of Rome, who, in cases of particular poverty or other need, personally initiates the aid to be assigned”. The Dicastery is headed as Prefect by His Holiness the Almoner.