The Pope: “War is a defeat, it takes two states.” There is a risk of global escalation”

“Every war is a defeat. Nothing can be solved with war. Nothing. Everything is won with peace and dialogue. They invaded the kibbutzim, they took hostages.” You killed someone. And then the reaction. The Israelis go and take these hostages and rescue them.” This is what the Pope said in the long interview with the director of Tg1 Gian Marco Chiocci, which will be broadcast in full at the end of the news and who has sent some previews. “In war, one slap provokes another. One strong and the other even stronger and so it goes on. War is a defeat. I felt it was another defeat. Two peoples that have to live together. With this clever solution: two peoples, two states. The Oslo Accords: two very limited states and Jerusalem with special status.”

“It would be the end of many things and many lives. I think human wisdom stops these things. Yes, there is a possibility, but… and this war affects us because of what it means: Israel, Palestine, the Holy Land, Jerusalem, but also Ukraine affects us because it is close.” This is how Pope Francis responded in an interview with Tg1 director Gian Marco Chiocci to the question of whether he feared a global escalation. “But there are many other wars that have nothing to do with us: Kivu, Yemen, Myanmar with the Rohingya, who are martyrs. The world is at war, but behind it is the defense industry,” he added.

“The hour is very dark. We do not find the ability to reflect clearly, and to the darkest hour I would add: another defeat.” This is how it has been since the last world war, from 1945 to today, one defeat after another because the wars have not stopped.” Said the Pope in an interview with the director of Tg1 Gian Marco Chiocci, broadcast this evening. “But “the biggest problem is still the defense industry,” Francis added. A person who knows about investments and whom I met at a meeting told me that the investments that bring in the most income today are weapons factories.

Francis. “Anti-Semitism exists, the Holocaust was not enough”

“Unfortunately, anti-Semitism remains hidden. You can see it, for example young people doing something here and there. It is true that in this case it is very big, but there is always some anti-Semitism, and that is not always enough.” Look at the Holocaust that they committed in World War II, those 6 million people who were killed and were enslaved, and it is not over. Unfortunately, it’s not over. I can’t explain it and I have no explanations, it’s a fact that I see it and I don’t like it. This is how Pope Francis responded in an interview with Tg1 director Gian Marco Chiocci to the question of whether he feared a resurgence of anti-Semitism.

I call the Pope every day to the religious in Gaza

“I call them every day and there is also an Argentine nun there and the parish priest was in Bethlehem when all this broke out and he couldn’t return because he had gone to Bethlehem to buy medicine. Now he is in Jerusalem, but he cannot enter.” Said the Pope in the interview with Tg1 when asked if he heard anything from the religious remaining in Gaza. “And the Egyptian deputy priest, Father Yussuf, I call him every day and he tells me: ‘But this is terrible, now they have bombed the hospital, but they respect us in the parish, we have 563 people in the parish.’ “In the parish there are all Christians and even some Muslims. Sick children who are cared for by Mother Teresa’s nuns,” Francis said. There are 563 people living in this small community. “I called him before I came and every day “I try to accompany them. Thank God the Israel Defense Forces respect this community at the moment,” he added.

“I wanted to go to Kiev and Moscow. I freed prisoners

“On the second day of the war in Ukraine, I went to the Russian embassy, ​​I felt that I had to go there and I said I was ready to go to Putin if it would be useful.”. The good ambassador, he’s ready now, an official from Russia. And from that moment on I had a good conversation with the Russian embassy.” This is how Pope Francis responded in an interview with Tg1 director Gian Marco Chiocci when asked about his possible trips to Kiev and Moscow. “When I presented the prisoners, I went there and they freed them, they also freed them from Azov – he added -. In short, the embassy did very well in releasing those people who were able to be freed. But the dialogue stopped there. At that moment Lavrov wrote to me: “Thank you very much if you want to come, but it is not necessary.” I wanted to go in both directions.

Francis in Dubai for Cop28

“Yes, I will go to Dubai. I think I will be leaving from December 1st to December 3rd. I will stay there for three days.” This is how the Pope answered in an interview with Tg1 director Gian Marco Chiocci when asked whether it was true that he would travel to Dubai for COP28 on the topic of climate.

Maradona or Messi? “I say Pele”

Maradona or Messi? “I say a third, Pele.” This is how Pope Francis replied to Tg1 director Gian Marco Chiocci, who asked him who he preferred of the two Argentine champions. “Maradona is great as a player, a great man. But as a man he failed,” says the pontiff. “The poor fellow turned away from those who praised him and did not help him. He was the first to visit me here.” Year of his pontificate and then the poor guy met his end. It’s strange: many goalkeepers end badly. Even in boxing. Messi is absolutely right. He’s a gentleman. But for me Pelé is the great gentleman of these three. A man with a heart.” I, he adds, “spoke to Pelé, I met him once on the plane when I was in Buenos Aires, we talked. A man of such great humanity. The three of them are great. “Everyone with their own specialty. Messi is good at it.” Wait. And Pelé was good.”

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