The Popes warning to Zelensky left wing hypocrisy and Macron

The Pope’s warning to Zelensky, left wing hypocrisy and Macron: therefore today …

– There is one detail that may have gone unnoticed by most. And it’s a message from Pope Francis Sent yesterday while we were all busy reading the Chronicles from the Follies of Naples. The Pope told Ukrainians that all places of faith must be respected. “I ask the warring parties to respect religious sites. Ordained nuns, devotees of any denomination, are a support to God’s people.” Francis mentioned in particular the situation of Nuns and monks of the Kiev Lavra risk being deposed for being loyal to the Moscow Patriarchate. You will say: well? Well, count. Because the Pope actually accepted the appeal Patriarch Kirill, concerned about the Kiev hypothesis of banning Moscow’s faithful churches and the allegations of collaboration against Orthodox priests and bishops. Apparently, Francis also asked to pray for the “maltreated Ukrainian people”, but it is an important signal like the decision not to go to Kiev. The Holy See wants to be as neutral as possible so that it can play a role in the negotiations, maybe tomorrow, who knows.

– I’m tired of reading articles about that Government melons should have saved i migrants shipwreck off Libya. I’m really fed up, if I do say so myself. So let me remind you of this date: April 2021. A hundred people died off the coast of Libya. The newspapers dedicated a few opening pages, a few anti-European polemics. So. But perhaps some of you remember attacks on then-Secretary Lamorgese, a member of the government of Mario Draghi? Has anyone ever accused Super Mario of “killing” these people for lack of help? And see: if you read the chronicles again, the dynamic is identical. identical. So it’s hypocrisy. Point.

– We pointed out yesterday: Crystal Jasmine, a sardine who has joined the Democratic Party leadership in Schlein, is opposed to sending arms to Ukraine and this embarrasses the DE a bit. Then there would be that too Matthew Santorini who don’t even need to talk about, with their excursions between marijuana seedlings and the praise of geese killed by dogs. The point is that it seems to some that there is a bit of concern in the Democratic Party about the risk that these two could also join the party secretariat. I can already picture Franceschini’s face when he hears Santori speak…

macron goes straight and approves pension reform without parliamentary approval. Two minor things: first, he proves he has quite a lot of testicles, since the French don’t joke about protests; Second, they make a hell of a mess at retirement age at 64, and we’re well past that; Third, think about what the Anpi and the Democratic Party would have said if Meloni had approved a measure bypassing Parliament…

– Tick it Victor Orban pizza: Orange, Paprika, Honey, Chicken, Cheese, BBQ Sauce. Perhaps the left were right when they said it was dangerous for Europe

– According to the courier, biden had decided: The war in Ukraine will only end when the Kremlin will be defeated. Which gives reason to those who thought this was going to become a proxy war. And partly also to those who feared that a “regional” conflict could lead to a global catastrophe. Let’s hope so.

– Basically the Secretary of Defense austin He would have told those directly involved that the US is assembling arms and military assets to enable the Ukrainians to retake lost territory. The counteroffensive is scheduled to begin in May. Let’s just hope they come to terms with the fact that Uncle Vlad has a little thing called a nuclear bomb.

– Um, gentlemen, sorry: it’s all right to send the guns and all. But from treated From PeaceTruce and all, when do we start talking?