The Popular Front of Ayacucho calls for a new regional

The Popular Front of Ayacucho calls for a new regional strike in Peru › World ›

The Ayacucho People’s Defense Front, along with other social, peasant, student and labor organizations, will hold a regional strike beginning December 20 to demand the closure of Congress and the call for a Constituent Assembly to amend Peru’s Magna Carta .

Telesur explains that the strike took place in the context of a deep political and social crisis following the dismissal and subsequent arrest of then President Pedro Castillo, who was sacked and disqualified by Congress.

As a result of Castillo’s arrest, protests were registered in numerous cities in the South American country, demanding, among other things, the resignation of the President-elect, the immediate release of the President, the closure of Congress and the immediate calling of new elections.

The police and army have cracked down on the demonstrations and as of this Monday the death toll at the hands of the security forces has risen to 25.

For the organizations and social groups in Ayacucho, one of the regions hardest hit by the repression, the situation reveals the offensive of the right and the extreme right to take over the country, according to a statement from the front.

Once again the organizations are trying to pressure the government with a strike they hope will be extended on December 20th and 21st.