The presenter of Cuban television pulls Irela Bravos hair to

The presenter of Cuban television pulls Irela Bravo’s hair to see if she is wearing a wig

The Cuban presenter and actor Antonio Arroyo pulled the actress by the hair Irish Bravo to confirm he’s not wearing a wig, which became the culmination of a series of unfortunate events during an interview with Tony on Everything.

from the swimming pool Grand Packard luxury hotelIn Havana, Arroyo and Irela spoke on various topics, in particular the mark left by the actress over the years; and while the interview attempted to pay tribute to one of Cuba’s most popular artists, it was not without criticism.

At one point in the show, host Irela Bravo suggested they fix her wig, to which she replied that she wasn’t wearing fake hair and to prove it, had her hair pulled.

“They said the same thing to me once on the street,” Bravo said.

However, other issues were much rougher on the actress live the storywhen Arroyo asked him if he had botox, slept in his underwear, or shaved.

Those last two questions were probably asked by a viewer of the show, to which the guest exclaimed, “He doesn’t care.”

Facebook screenshot / Antonio Arroyo

Although the actress tried to hide her astonishment at the question, she could not prevent a nervous smile mixed with anger on her face because she wanted to broadcast aspects that only corresponded to her private life on public television.

Arroyo’s fiasco in an interview with someone she’s known since she was 14 had repercussions on social media, where several women defended Irela and denounced the machismo the program focused on.

Yadira Oliva, a member of the Facebook group Cuban Mothers for a Better World, has demanded a public apology from the TV presenter for his actions.

Facebook screenshot

“Enough of enduring this disrespect to please anyone. The audience that admires artists, actresses and professionals wants to see how they talk about their projects, their lives,” wrote Oliva, who also urged other actresses not to participate in the program.

On Twitter, the user “Lis y ya…” labeled what happened on the show as “the end of time” while denouncing the indiscreet and inappropriate questions Irela Bravo was asked.

At the time of writing this note, Antonio Arroyo had not commented on the criticism leveled or apologized for his actions.

Everything with Tony is a television show whose first season premiered in 2012, had a second season in 2013 and returned to Cuban screens after a hiatus of several years.