The Presidency of the Climate Summit proposes a transition from

The Presidency of the Climate Summit proposes a “transition” from fossil fuels to sustainable fuels…

The Presidium of the Dubai climate summit has suggested that countries focus on “a Moving away from fossil fuels» in energy systems, which, if approved, would be the first explicit recognition of the end of oil, gas and coal in 28 editions of this meeting that brings together nearly 200 countries to combat climate change.

The text will now be presented to the plenary session, where The countries must express their positions and vote the agreement that must be adopted by consensus. The negotiations in Dubai were intensive. What is agreed here must guide the development of countries' next emissions reduction plans, and there is mixed interests: from the small island states that are already drowning from rising sea levels to the states that extract oil and gas. Even OPEC sent a letter to its members blocking any deals that directly targeted fossil fuels rather than talking about emissions.

The text tries to find a language that is accepted by everyone, but also shows where the future of the planet should lead. It is no longer about “phasing out” or “reducing” fossil fuels, as the most ambitious nations have called for, but about “Transition away from” these fossil fuels in energy systems that are “fair, orderly and equitable”. He adds that efforts need to accelerate this decade to reach “net zero” by 2050.

The text comes afterwards a day and a half of intense negotiations After an initial draft that drew strong criticism from dozens of countries for failing to express the urgency of action on climate change this decade Limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Science says that after 2030 it will no longer be possible to limit global temperature to this threshold and that its effects will multiply, such as intense and more frequent heat waves, rising sea levels or strong hurricanes.

Now this is the new draft proposal prepared by the Presidency “Recognizes” the need for deep, rapid and sustainable reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, which must fall by 43% by 2030 in order to comply with the 1.5 degree limit. For this reason, the text “requires” the parties to contribute to the extent possible.

The text not only mentions the need for a transition as measures that characterize this path fossil fuels. The idea of ​​tripling the installation of extendable by 2030 and double Energy efficiency; accelerating efforts to “gradually reduce” energy consumption. Money whose emissions cannot be captured (something already included in previous agreements) and the acceleration of “zero and low emission technologies” that include not only renewable energy, but also nuclear energy, reduction and elimination technologies such as capture, carbon utilization and storage, etc . include production of low-emission hydrogen.

There are also calls to accelerate global efforts towards net-zero energy systems and to use zero- or low-carbon fuels well before or around mid-century. Calls for an end to fossil fuel subsidies

He also recognizes the need to attack other greenhouse gas What CO2 is not for 2030: methane. And there are calls to accelerate the reduction of emissions from road transport.