The President of the Parliament of Ecuador presents another protective

The President of the Parliament of Ecuador presents another protective measure

For the second time, before being confronted by the entire National Assembly, Llori appealed to prevent her possible sacking.

Earlier this month, the leader of the legislature tabled a similar measure against five members of the Legislative Administration Council (CAL), who were calling for the meeting’s agenda to be changed to encourage the formation of a competent multiparty commission to analyze their possible dereliction of duty.

The lawsuit is directed against the deputy of the Bank of the National Agreement Virgilio Saquicela, the representatives of the Democratic Left of Yeseña Guamaní and Johanna Moreira, Darwin Pereira, separated from Pachakutik, and Ronny Aleaga of the Unión por la Esperanza.

The legislature’s plenary session has been hampered in its recent work because the head of the body is not convening meetings due to the forthcoming discussion of forming the assessment team that would also review the work of the CAL.

Esteban Torres, from the Social Christian Party bench, was the one who filed the complaint against Llori and the request for his dismissal as the highest director of the body

Arguments for the motion include a violation of the President’s Feb. 24 appeal and the suspension and non-resumption of Sessions 759 and 766.

The Parliament of Ecuador has had problems with its work since the beginning of the term in mid-May 2021, when disagreements arose over the election of the entity’s leadership.

To date, several bills are pending due to repeated suspensions of plenary sessions, while others failed to reach consensus.

The work of the highest parliamentary body has drawn criticism from its own members to the citizens who elected it to represent the interests of the people.

For his part, the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, pointed out that the problems of the National Assembly had to be solved internally and that, as he assured, he could govern by decree.
