1650945174 The progress of Beautiful from April 25 to May 1

The progress of Beautiful from April 25 to May 1, 2022 Libero Tecnologia

New emotions and twists for the new week of the Canale 5 soap opera, now in its thirty-fifth season. Here’s what you need to know


Source: Mediaset press office

The week between April 25 and May 1, 2022 is full of twists and turns for Beauty, one of the longest-running soap operas in television history. Aired every afternoon channel 5, the telenovela tells the story of the Forrester family. Here everyone is progress.

Monday April 25th

Zoe asks Catrer to give her one second chance: She explains that it was Thomas and Xander who made her lose her faith in men, but now she’s ready to commit. Zende reveals to Paris that he designed a dress for her: when she wears it, she leaves him breathless, hoping they can continue their journey together. Ridge, meanwhile, seems distracted: Brooke realizes that something is bothering him.

Tuesday April 26th

Zoe tries again to win Carter back and begs him to do so marry her: Although he admits that he still loves her, he rejects the proposal because he cannot forgive her. Thomas keeps thinking back to the moment he asked Vinny if he did it manipulated the results of the paternity test. He then runs to the lab and asks Vinny to show him the test. Zende, on the other hand, is overjoyed after meeting Paris.

Wednesday April 27th

Thomas again asks Vinny to prove it falsified the paternity test, but the boy tries to come up with an excuse. For her part, Steffy talks to Ridge and Finn about how surprised she was by the DNA test result because she was convinced the baby was Finn’s. After being abandoned by Carter, Zoe is desperate, and she just wants the boy gone: she doesn’t need the comfort of Paris. Meanwhile, Vinny tries to distract Thomas and convince him to win Hope back.

Thursday April 28th

Hope confides in Brooke and tells her that their marriage seems to have faltered since Liam threw himself back into Steffy’s arms. Steffy is in a crisis: she keeps telling Ridge that she wishes the son was Finn’s because he’s the man she loves. The latter returns to the laboratory together with Thomas: the two they argue with Vinny getting punched in the face. at the end the boy admits manipulate exam.

Friday April 29th

After I confess everything, Vinny escape. Steffy, meanwhile, decides to leave Los Angeles: he loves Finn too much to allow him to raise a child that is not his; but Ridge disagrees. Thomas and Finn come running and find that Steffy wants to go to Paris: Finn stops her and tells her he has one news this will change her life. Meanwhile, Liam asks Hope to come back with him to protect her family.

Saturday April 30th

Thomas tells Hope the truth: Vinny faked the paternity test, so the baby is Finn’s. The latter tries to persuade Steffy to do so do not leave: To this he shows her a ring that belonged to his mother and tells her he wants it to be hers now: he kneels down and asks her for it marry him. Liam keeps thinking about Hope, but doesn’t know that she’s upset at the news of the DNA test.

Sunday May 1st

Hope grows increasingly incredulous: How could Vinny rig the test? It’s definitely not Steffy aroused about the marriage proposal, but points out to Finn that she is carrying another man’s child. At this point he tells her the whole truth: the baby is hers and they are about to start a family together. With tears in my eyes, Steffy Accept the proposal, saying he always knew in his heart that the son wasn’t Liam’s.

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