The Prosecutors Office intervenes at the FPF headquarters in La

The Prosecutor’s Office intervenes at the FPF headquarters in La Videna as part of the investigation against Agustín Lozano

The tax investigation against Agustín Lozano, President of the Peruvian Football Association (FPF), continues. This Friday, October 20, the State Ministry announced details of the new intervention in Videna. “The Third Specialized Upper Provincial Corporate Prosecutor’s Office against Organized Crime (3rd Team) is carrying out a trial at the Villa Deportiva Nacional (Videna) as part of the investigation against Agustín Lozano and other members of the FPF,” the institution reported on social networks.

The Prosecutors Office intervenes at the FPF headquarters in LaThe public prosecutor’s office is investigating the president of the FPF. Photo: Public Ministry

“The finance team collects information on the amounts of money allocated by the FPF to the Peruvian Football League 1 and 2 clubs, the Association of Professional Football Players of Peru and the Perú 1190 Sports company, among others,” the organization adds publication.

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The prosecutor’s office revealed that data on travel by members of the Basic Assembly, the supreme and legislative body of the FPF, was also requested. In addition, it will be checked whether the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD) has received the appropriate payment for the TV rights of the local tournament.

“The list of members of the base assembly, administrative information and a list of trips undertaken by members of this assembly have been requested. It is also confirmed whether the FPF has complied with the delivery of 10% of the amounts for television rights to the IPD.” . “, it says.

Agustín Lozano faces an application for arrest

A few days ago, the First Provincial Corporate Criminal Prosecutor’s Office of Chiclayo requested a five-year prison sentence for the head of the FPF for an alleged tax fraud between 2010 and 2014, when he was mayor of Chongoyape.