1697050586 The PSOE accuses the PP of politically exploiting the war

The PSOE accuses the PP of politically exploiting the war between Israel and Hamas: “They are scavengers”

The PSOE accuses the PP of politically exploiting the war

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has opened a new front in Spanish politics. The PP continues its offensive against the government for, in its opinion, maintaining an unjustified equidistance after the murder of more than a thousand Israelis, most of them civilians, by the fundamentalist organization that the EU and the US define as group terrorists . Pedro Sánchez explained the position of acting executive director on the same Saturday, hours after the first details of the Hamas attack emerged. “We follow the terrorist attack against Israel with dismay and stand in solidarity with the victims and their families. We condemn terrorism in the strongest possible terms and demand an immediate cessation of indiscriminate violence against the civilian population. “Spain remains true to its commitment to regional stability,” said Sánchez, explaining the government’s position. The right considers it insufficient and this Thursday continues to focus on the less forceful statements made by the governing coalition partners to the left of the PSOE.

“In a country where the word terrorism is used with extraordinary ease when talking about financial or climate terrorism, they cannot say that Hamas is a terrorist organization. “What political insensitivity they are showing,” criticized Borja Sémper, deputy secretary for culture and open society of the PP, this Thursday, referring to Sumar and especially to Podemos, which, unlike the socialists, supports Hamas’ actions terrorist not designated as such. Podemos Secretary General Ione Belarra has called on Israel to abandon the occupied territories and end its policy of “apartheid” against the Palestinians. Sumar spokesman Ernest Urtasun assured Monday that his party would “always condemn any violation of international and humanitarian law under any circumstances” and acknowledged that the attacks were carried out by Hamas. References in the field, such as Iñigo Errejón of Más Madrid, have described them as “war crimes”.

Esteban González Pons went much further than Sémper the day before: “Legitimizing terrorism is inappropriate for membership in the Spanish government.” But the President of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, was by far the toughest. “Forty beheaded babies and the Sánchez government stand in the middle between the terrorists and the victims,” he declared, accepting as true the information that the Israeli forces had denied. Israel has denounced the massacre of dozens of people on a kibbutz near Gaza.

“Ayuso has exceeded all limits of political and moral decency. Not everything works in politics. In one sentence he conflated 40 beheaded babies, which was disputed, with the Sánchez government. “This is unprecedented indecency,” Patxi López accused him. The PSOE spokesman in Congress called on the PP to stop its criticism. “Feijóo has to put limits on all this, Ayuso and all these leaders [del PP]. The president was by no means reserved in condemning the terrorist attacks. “They are scavengers for putting an end to this worrying drift towards making political gains,” criticized the socialist leader. The President of Madrid He later responded on the social network X, formerly Twitter: “Indecency means agreeing with the murderers of your colleagues.”

More information

The PP has requested the appearance of Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares in Congress to “clarify” the position of the incumbent government towards Israel. The head of Spanish diplomacy has said he is “hurt” at the PP for not “lending its shoulder” and spreading “jokes” on the Middle East crisis. “Feijóo has decided to openly adopt the techniques of Trumpism and the far right,” he added in La Sexta.

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