1701670471 The PSOE is diversifying outside Catalonia

The PSOE is diversifying outside Catalonia

The PSOE is diversifying outside Catalonia

The two different lines on which the socialist part of the government and the PP work are obvious, but do not exclude others. Pedro Sánchez’s board will soon present a series of initiatives of a socio-economic nature, most of which have already been announced. The PP will try not to confront them, even if they are controversial. Its theme is amnesty, the processing of which will become a continuous mascletà in the Cortes. Out of necessity, because of the electoral calendar and because Spain cannot remain in negotiations with the Catalan independents, the Socialists will devote a lot of energy to the rest of the country.

Like the PP, the government also has its territorial agenda. Galicia and the Basque Country will receive the highest attention. Without the confirmation of those who have the election date in their hands – Alfonso Rueda of the PP and Íñigo Urkullu of the PNV – the Socialists and Sumar are separately preparing to go to the polls in Galicia in the first quarter; and not much later in the Basque Country.

The Peneuvistas were consulted by the Galician government about the possibility of meeting again on the same day to hold the elections. Not at the beginning; was the Basque answer. In any case, both historical communities will anticipate the European elections scheduled for June 8th in order to prevent the regional elections from being infected by the popular vote effect on Pedro Sánchez that could have the European Parliament elections. The Basque and Galician calls have a life of their own, even if there will be no changes from the PP: their election campaign begins and ends in Pedro Sánchez.

Not so with socialist campaigns. The PSE’s bet is Eneko Andueza, who yesterday made his candidacy for Lehendakari official, presented by the First Secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, with a calm speech about peace, diversity and defending the party leadership in the worst situations. In the background Catalonia. At the same time, the PSdG enthroned José Ramón Gómez Besteiro as a candidate for the Xunta de Galicia. The absolute majority of the PP in this municipality, in addition to the merits of Alberto Núñez Feijóo in the last decade, had as an ally a blurred and confronted socialist party, with exceptions with undisputed civic ties such as that of the mayor of Vigo, Abel Gentleman. In the event that, as it seems, the PNV wants to hold its elections between the Galician and the European ones, from the beginning of the year all the PSOE’s encouragement will be directed towards its colleagues from Galicia and the candidate Gómez Besteiro. currently deputy for Lugo.

The classic PP accusation about “landing ministers” in Galicia can start rolling, because that’s how it will be. The political year for the PSOE begins on January 20th and 21st in A Coruña, where the party will hold a political conference that will define the axes of its project in the short and medium term. The host will be Gómez Besteiro. This candidate was already party leader in Galicia and resigned seven years ago due to a series of anonymous allegations before a judge. Then half a dozen more judges arrived. One by one they filed lawsuits based on not a shred of evidence. For him, these bitter years are a thing of the past. The investments planned by Pedro Sánchez for Galicia will be one of the incentives of his election campaign.

Investments and projects for the whole of Spain as part of a wide-ranging territorial agenda, say government interlocutors. While the budgets for 2024 are being negotiated, due to the large number of partners, the government will make economic decisions through decrees, which will also have to be negotiated. The Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Víctor Torres, the former President of the Canary Islands, plays an important role.

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The struggle between the government and the PP to get out of the framework of the amnesty law and the negotiations started this Saturday with Junts in Geneva will continue. The political course has only just begun, but the polls reflect the erosion of the PSOE, but also of Sumar. According to the 40dB study, the Socialists have lost just one point since the July 23 elections. for EL PAÍS and SER, but this drop puts them almost five points below the PP, which increases by two and adds a government majority with Vox. There is no reason, on the contrary, that the PP should change its attack strategy against Pedro Sánchez at its own discretion. But the course has just begun. This Wednesday, the Constitution’s 45th birthday, the first round of a battle will take place over who loves and respects it more. A social celebration is not planned.

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