1689088675 The PSOE is focusing on Feijoos mountain of lies to

The PSOE is focusing on “Feijóo’s mountain of lies” to try to restore the pulse of the campaign

Given the enormous difficulty Pedro Sanchez To play on a field of debate that has quickly become a minefield, the government and the PSOE are now trying to at least fight the post-debate. The executive branch and the president’s party have thrown themselves into an uproar in a variety of formats, from interviews to videos for social media to the president’s own intervention from Vilnius, where he’s attending the NATO summit, to try and shift the focus not so much to direct to the political situation very harsh mix between the two politicians, practically not understood on many occasions due to the constant interruptions and overlapping of voices, but in what Alberto Núñez Feijóo was saying. Like all other ministers, Sánchez speaks directly from the PP leader’s “mountain of lies” and the Socialists broadcast a video with some of the clearest issues, such as the idea that the population opposes the pension reform that will involve the automatic revaluation of pensions the CPI.

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“Citizens deserve to hear proposals and know the balance of the mandate. “That was my approach, be it on pensions, the labor market or women’s rights and freedoms,” said Sánchez in Vilnius. “What did we have in front of us? We had a Mr. Feijóo who, in the absence of a political project and program, threw up a mountain of lies and brutally used terrorism like that of ETA, which fortunately disappeared because Spanish democracy defeated him a couple of times “11 years ago”, the President judged . Sánchez claims he is leaving the debate “satisfied,” despite a widespread feeling within his own party that the transition has not gone as expected, having seen the president’s recent interviews, which had greatly encouraged his ranks. Meanwhile, Feijóo took a mass bath during a rally in Ciudad Real this Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the outcome of the confrontation with Sánchez the night before. inform Andrea Rizzi And Maria Sahuquillo.

Sánchez tried to reinforce this notion of Feijóo’s lies in order to get out of the ongoing loop of disappointment as quickly as possible ahead of a meeting that the PSOE had high expectations of. “Mr. Feijóo even said that they agreed to the revaluation of pensions, which was a lie. A mountain of lies because there is nothing behind it but the complete lack of a political project and a worrying tactic by Feijóo to embrace Mr Abascal. We’re going to play that on July 23rd. “We play for the first time when we progress further or get into a dark tunnel of time that we don’t know exactly where it might lead us,” he concluded.

The President of the Popular Party of Castile-La Mancha, Paco Núñez;  People's Party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo and PP lead candidate for Congress for Ciudad Real Carmen Fúnez at a rally in the Castilian-Machegan city this Tuesday.The President of the Popular Party of Castile-La Mancha, Paco Núñez; People’s Party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo and PP candidate number one for Congress for Ciudad Real Carmen Fúnez at a rally in the Castilian-Machegan city this Tuesday. Patricia Galiana (Europa Press)

So Sánchez and his people are trying to get past the debate, which turned out to be much worse than expected. The government admits that it was a very complicated decision for the President, who was overwhelmed by his rival from the very first moment. Sánchez had prepared a lot, especially the first part, which worked the worst because it was the economic part that gave him the clearest advantage. “The PP tried to blast that part from the start because they knew it was the most problematic for them. And it’s very difficult when they contaminate the field from the start and you don’t have a referee to solve the problem.” Confused from the start by his rival’s aggression, Sánchez couldn’t find a way to get his message across.

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However, the government has said since last week that a tough Feijóo is expected, making it even harder to understand why Sánchez hasn’t prepared a strategy against his rival’s style. One of the questions now being debated in government circles is whether it wasn’t a mistake that this time Sánchez didn’t rehearse the debate with a sparring partner who played Feijóo, forcing him to prove himself in an unlimited transition. The PSOE leader prepared arguments, formulations and data, but did not rehearse exactly what to do in case of a cataract, as the PP President had suggested to him at the outset when Sánchez was felt to be out of place.

According to various members of the government, the president took back control as the debate progressed, but the beginning shaped the entire session and Sánchez was very overwhelmed there. “When someone is determined to rupture a debate, it is very difficult to avoid it,” says a member of the government. “The problem is the format itself. When someone is in front of you, it’s very difficult to answer because you have to spend time dismantling the lie and also presenting your proposal. It’s easier for the one who just throws the lie away and that’s it,” says another executive.

It seems quite clear that the strategy was not working as expected and the debate was not the one they raised at La Moncloa over the weekend. Nonetheless, the government and PSOE believe they have a long electoral campaign ahead of them and will now return to the interviews with Sánchez and also to some important rallies.

Many in the PSOE are surprised that the Sánchez, who has featured in interviews over the past few weeks, has almost never appeared and has been able to regain control of the scene and dismantle some of the most entrenched theses of anti-sanchismo . “The thing is that a debate is not an interview. Feijóo is not an interviewer you can ask to finish speaking. If he wants to get muddy and there is no one to stop him, you have little to do,” they reply from La Moncloa. Now there are two weeks left in the election campaign, but with two summits in between – Sánchez is in Vilnius today and tomorrow for NATO and two days in Brussels next week for the EU-CELAC summit – and another debate, three, with Santiago Abascal and Yolanda Díaz on RTVE on 19. The Socialists are already contemplating the following milestones to move beyond a debate in which they had pinned much of their hopes but which was not remotely what they had envisioned .

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