The psychologist explains Bruno de Lucas possible blackout in Kayky

The psychologist explains Bruno de Luca’s possible blackout in Kayky Brito’s accident

Bruno de Luca is a daily topic in the media after he made his statement on the case Kayky Brito. The actor told plainclothes police he didn’t know it was his friend who was run over and couldn’t remember how he got home in the early hours of September 2.

Bruno de Luca (reproduction/disclosure)

Bruno de Luca (reproduction/disclosure)

Photo: Corn Novela

In conversation with CONTIGO!, the psychologist Vanessa Gebrima specialist in clinical psychology, explained the possible forgetfulness of the presenter.

According to the expert, it is common for people to faint after a very big shock. “The trauma can occur later and lead to PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder),” he said.

Vanessa explained that stressful situations lead to the activation of many neurons and regions of the brain.

“This can overwhelm you and make it difficult for you to perform even simple tasks, such as remembering something.”

“Sometimes memory recovery techniques, along with psychotherapy,” he said.

“One of the main mental health consequences of trauma is posttraumatic stress disorder. In addition to intense reactions to triggers and bringing back memories of the trauma through flashbacks, a person with PTSD may also suffer from dissociation and depersonalization,” he concluded.