I am not an economics expert.
But hey, I’m not a fool either.
I’m like you: an informed worker (and taxpayer).
It seems to me that you don’t have to be a postdoc at the London School of Economics to see that our system is going down the drain.
At high speed.
Let’s get the facts straight.
More and more people are retiring.
These people will live longer and longer.
So we’re going to have to pay them for doing nothing for longer and longer.
Just because these people are living longer doesn’t mean they will be healthier.
Most will be ill for a significant number of years, that’s all.
Result: More and more people end up in the hospital or in a CHSLD.
And they will need more and more care. Because life expectancy is increasing.
We are having fewer and fewer children.
There will be fewer and fewer workers to pay for all those pensions and all that health care.
We will not be able to impose and tax workers more than we currently do because taxpayers’ ability to pay is not unlimited.
All studies show that the more taxpayers are taxed, the less interested they are in work above a certain level and the less money flows into the state coffers.
The same goes for tax: the higher you tax consumers, the less people consume and the less money goes into the treasury.
Fewer and fewer people are interested in evening and weekend work.
Fewer and fewer employees will therefore be interested in working in the healthcare sector.
While our health needs will explode. And that we will have to treat more and more patients.
And that her wounds are getting worse and worse.
The state is called upon to solve more and more problems previously solved by the family, the clergy and the community.
So the state has to spend more and more.
He has less and less money in the till.
In order to make up for the lack of manpower, we will rather turn to immigration.
But these immigrants must be housed.
Frenchify them. Integrate them. educate them.
This leads to new expenses.
Which will add to the cost column that continues to grow.
Expenditure that costs more and more with the rate of inflation.
So am I the only one noticing that this “business model” doesn’t work?
That the machine will eventually break down?
As I said, I am not an economics expert.
But I tell myself that at some point we will have no choice but to cut spending. Just like all families in Quebec are doing right now.
Which government has the courage to do this?
Because it is politically more profitable to grant token tax cuts.