The reaction of the famous to the unprecedented speech by

The reaction of the famous to the unprecedented speech by Ivete Sangalo against Bolsonaro VEJA

WhatsAppImage20220911at20.40.05 Ivete and Marcelo Sangalo on the RIR stage @pontesfred/Disclosure

Ivete Sangalou surprised everyone when he finally took a direct stand against the government Jair Bolsonaro. Declaring that Brazil needs more love, not guns, and fiercely defending diversity and all types of families, the singer drew applause and tears from several celebrities, such as: Lazaro Ramos, Tais Araujo and Preta Gil, who stood near the stage and watched his performance. Ivete managed to make an unprecedented show with her words, despite the hits that are already so well known to the public.

After the show, the singer received the prominent guests in her dressing room. The first person to get a kiss from you was her husband Daniel Cady. Look at the photos that the column received firsthand.

' Ivete and Daniel Cady @pontesfred/Disclosure

' Taís Araujo and Lázaro Ramos @pontesfred/Disclosure To be continued after the commercial

' Preta Gil @pontesfred/Disclosure

' André Marques and Daniel Cady @pontesfred/Disclosure

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