1701707801 The Recycling Festival I explain what Sanremo will be Nicola

The Recycling Festival: I explain what Sanremo will be Nicola Porro

Amadeus Sanremo

Just like Christmas too SanremoUnfortunately, when it arrives, it comes inexorably the same as itself, incorrigible in its sins: arrogance, falsehood, presumption, woke intentions. And the songs? It is not clear what use the plethora of commissions set up to evaluate them has when everything is solved inexorably in a Cencelli textbook: “Ama”, diminutive of Amadeus, the eternal father of the situation (The co-father would be “Ciuri”, short for Fiorello, together they make up the holy Binità and we’ll get to that in a few lines), the iron law of generalist television entertainment applies, which takes into account sponsors, record companies, friends of friends, the Agenda 2030.

Few surprises to say the least, all confirmations, returns, singer as equipment. What we can distinguish as follows. There’s the holiday group, the ones with catchphrases who found success with idiotic gender-bending nursery rhymes like “I saw her kissing him, kissing him and kissing a horse, Nanananana…”: So here’s Annalisa, who, after about twenty years Years later she manages to be mistaken for a pop star, here is Mango’s daughter, here are the Kolors, miraculous. “Well, we have,” as Adriano de Zan would say in his spectacular imitation of Gianfranco Butinar, the fake alternatives on offer from the first cry: the gazelleI St. JohnI Diodat and so on: pumped-up things like the new Tenco or Bindi, which, however, has to re-present itself at Ariston from time to time, otherwise his career, which has just begun, is already over.

“Well, we have” the ethnic/gender quota that comes from that Mahmood (he also just wanted money, money…) a Ghali I recommend this Big Mama, who is not a blues singer, but a certain Marianna Mammone, and not Mammona. “Well, we have” the platform segment, with a large representation of faces from Spotify, which will mean nothing to the older audience, including us, but perhaps to the brats, who knows: Geolier, Dargen D’Amico are already from Sanremo warmed up a year ago), Fred De Palma (who’s been having problems for 7 years, poor guy), La Sad, Il Tre, Alfa, Rose Villain (another pre-cooked one in the last edition), Mr Rain (same as before). “Well, we have” the robbers department, not necessarily in a personal sense, certainly not in an artistic one: rich poor, Loredana BertèLet’s move on and become a de facto couple Renga & Nekthe three non-tenors of Il Volo (have you ever seen a tenor sing into a microphone?), Dolores Ibarruri of the Pentagram, Fiorella Mannoiaand let’s imagine the Pippono on femicide, etc.

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Are we forgetting anyone? Presumably, and who cares: the game is clear anyway, all targets to make the usual Homeric 12, 14 million desperate people bombarded with nothing for a week. Who wins is seen in the light of political, i.e. monetary, logic: the names are circulating, the juries of quality, popularity and even journalists no longer believe even the most thoughtless crazy people who camp in front of the Ariston catwalk with a battery life of 18 hours at 0 Degree. Things that are more devalued than climate change.

Let’s return to the relentless duo Ama & Ciuri. Those who have already broken through the fragile: now the news programs are their thing, they open them, they close them and in the middle there is another curtain call, with the anchor-companion faking orgasms for fun. A few years ago they stood out for this undignified scene in which they exuded novaxes, spastic convulsions and lightning-fast movements. Then the sudden deaths really rained down, especially on those who had been vaccinated: A remake cannot be ruled out, since everything is allowed to them, Ama & Ciuri, rich and famous. They are unpunished and immune.

Max Del Papa, December 4, 2023

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