1648967462 The revealing conversation about what happened between Chris Rock and

The revealing conversation about what happened between Chris Rock and Will Smith

Midtime editorial

Mexico City / 04/02/2022 07:13:23

the Will Smith’s slap in the face to Chris Rock continues Almost a week after it happened. However, the protagonists have given their respective comments, People from the surrounding area have already come out to reveal their version of eventsAs the producer the oscars, Willpacker.

By doing Commercial break The producer reached out to the comedian to find out if what had happened was within the framework of some agreed-upon course of action, so he asked “Did he really hit you?”to the Chris Rock replied, “Yes, I just got hit by Muhammad Ali.”Packer himself affirmed on Good Morning America.

Even if the comedian joked about the boxer and the actr (since Smith played it in ‘Ali’) Packer insured that although he was in “joke mode”, you could tell he was still in shock“.

The revealing conversation about what happened between Chris Rock and

Chris Rock told a joke that wasn’t “programmed”.

On the other hand, the The producer pointed out that Chris Rock strayed from the script when he made the joke about Will Smith’s wife Jada Pinkett. “I said, ‘Look at this, it’s going to kill you,’ because I knew he had an incredible list of jokes. We had it on the teleprompter (the prompter) and in the end it wasn’t a joke. He didn’t tell any of the planned jokes“.

So many, Packer guessed it was just for show what happened on stage: “I thought it was part from some that Chris and Will andstaban do alone. I didn’t care at all“, called.