The romantic night in Castel Gandolfo Today

The Romantic Night is back at Castel Gandolfo: 6500 flowers for a beautiful floral painting dedicated to Cupid and Psyche, a meeting about love and other stories between theater, archeology, myths and the greats of literature linked to the beauty of our places , and then a charming romantic evening with background music in the alleys of the Borgo.

These are all ingredients for a perfect romantic night at Castel Gandolfo, where this traditional event, held simultaneously in over 220 of Italy’s most beautiful villages, returns on June 24th.

It starts already on Friday 23 June with a preview: the flower preparation with the “speluccamento” ritual in Piazza della Libertà from 4pm, to which adults and children from 0 to 99 years are invited. Then, from Saturday June 24th at 10 am we will welcome the masters and masters of flowers from Genzano di Roma for the live creation of the flower painting in the heart of Piazza della Libertà, between the Palais des Papes, the fountain and the Bernini dome. The resulting painting tells the myth of Cupid and Psyche, the protagonists of the fable of Apuleius’ Golden Ass, and is inspired by their embrace, immortalized in Antonio Canova’s sculptural work. The sculptor depicted the last moment of the fable: after the goddess Proserpina handed Psyche a vase and she opened it and fell into a deep sleep, love reached Psyche and woke her up with a kiss.

At 4 p.m., the group Fai Castelli Romani will open a polyphonic dialogue entitled “Of love and other stories: theatre, literature and genius loci” in the “Marcello Costa” council room in Piazza della Libertà. We will talk about art, literature, theater, landscape, stories, myths, legends and love with archaeologists, historians and an actor who will offer us readings from books and poems that tell the beauty of the Castelli Romani. The event is free and you can register here:

From Goethe and Stendhal to Gadda and D’Annunzio, the connection between the castles and literary works is told. With a selection of readings that illustrate the connection between the literary landscape and the natural landscape. The lakes of Lazio and the brilliant place of art, culture and pleasure in life: from nymphs to floating royal palaces. The genius loci between myth and history: the anthropological representation of the traditions and rites that permeate the culture of the Castelli Romani. Afterwards, take a walk to discover the stories and secrets of the Borgo.

Finally, you can dine in the alleys of the historic center by candlelight and sweet and romantic background music.

In the evening there will also be the Flash Mob “Unplugged”, an invitation to all musicians to go to the village of Castel Gandolfo to play spontaneously, freely and unamplified through the streets of the old town.

The event is organized by the Mayor Alberto De Angelis, the Councilors Tiziano Mariani and Francesca Barbacci Ambrogi and Giunta in collaboration with the Activities of the Historic Center, the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy and the FAI Castelli Romani Group. The beautiful floral painting was created thanks to the patronage of the Municipality of Genzano di Roma.