1700155124 The Russian army is increasing its pressure on the disputed

The Russian army is increasing its pressure on the disputed city of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine Le Temps

5:15 p.m

Support for Ukraine, a national security issue for all NATO countries

Time with AFP

Supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia is in the national security interest of every NATO country, including the United States, Atlantic Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reminded on Thursday. When asked about the blockage of American aid to Ukraine in Congress, Jens Stoltenberg reminded the press that all NATO countries were committed to supporting Kiev.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg this Thursday, November 16th.  — © OLIVIER MATTHYS / keystone-sda.ch

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg this Thursday, November 16th. — © OLIVIER MATTHYS / keystone-sda.ch

A failure of this support would be “not only a tragedy for Ukraine if President (Vladimir) Putin wins, but it would also be very dangerous for us,” he stressed during a joint press conference at the end of an interview with Latvian President Edgars Rinkevics.


Woman arrested in Russia and charged with ‘treason’ over money transfer

Time with AFP

Russia’s security services (FSB) claim to have arrested a former official accused of transferring money to Ukraine and facing a 20-year prison sentence for “high treason,” a type of case that is becoming increasingly common in the country. “It was found that (this) former employee of a public institution made more than 60 transfers to Ukrainian bank accounts since May 2018 with a total value of more than 330,000 rubles (2,300 francs at the current exchange rate, editor’s note),” it said it said in the statement FSB.

3:42 p.m

Finland wants to close part of its border with Russia

Time with AFP

Finland will close half of its border crossings with Russia overnight from Friday to Saturday, accusing Moscow of trying to destabilize the country by allowing illegal migrants to cross the border. Finland, which shares a 1,340-kilometer border with Russia, has seen an influx of visa-free migrants from the Middle East and Africa, particularly Iraq, Somalia and Yemen, since late August, according to its border guards.

3:37 p.m

In Ukraine, Cameron Zelensky promises continued military support

Time with AFP

The new head of British diplomacy, David Cameron, promised on Thursday that London would continue to help Ukraine “for as long as necessary”, at a time when Kiev is seeking further support despite the crisis in the Middle East and its difficulties in the Middle East of the West begs front. President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed David Cameron on a surprise visit to Kiev for his first foreign trip since his appointment on Monday. The British minister then traveled to Odessa in the south.


Switzerland supports the creation of a special court

Time with ATS

A special court for the crime of aggression against Ukraine must be created. Switzerland acknowledged this on Thursday at a meeting in Berlin by joining the “core group” of countries that support such an implementation.

Switzerland is convinced that the crime of aggression against Ukraine should not go unpunished, according to a statement from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (EDA). This involvement complements Bern’s support for national and international efforts to prosecute and prosecute all international crimes committed in Ukraine. The FDFA speaks of a long-standing commitment to the fight against impunity.

14:00 clock

Confidential Data Leak in Cyprus: The Ironic American Banking Exile of Russian Oligarchs Expelled by UBS

Marie-Amaëlle Touré

The revelations continue after the leak of confidential data from Cyprus that showed links between Swiss banks and Russian oligarchs. At the start of 2022, the country’s leading bank “undertook a comprehensive restructuring to reduce its Russia exposure,” Tamedia’s investigative unit reported on Thursday.

Read our article .


Eight years away due to criticism of the Russian offensive in Ukraine

Time with AFP

Exiled Russian opponent Vladimir Milov, a supporter of jailed opponent Alexei Navalny and moderator of a YouTube channel with half a million subscribers, was sentenced to eight years in a closed penal colony by the Basmanny Court in Moscow for “publicly disseminating false information.” convicted in absentia about the Russian armed forces,” according to the Telegram channel of the Moscow courts.

In Russia, it is forbidden to question the merits of the Russian offensive against Ukraine or to discuss the abuses accused of the Russian army, such as the massacre of civilians in Boutcha in spring 2022, which Moscow describes as a “staging.” .


The Russian army is increasing its pressure on the disputed city of Avdiivka

Time with AFP

The Russian army has stepped up its attack on the disputed town of Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine in recent days, its mayor Vitaly Barabach said on Thursday. The situation there was “very tense,” the official told Ukrainian television about this place, which has become the target of Russia’s main offensive on the Eastern Front.

“In recent days, the enemy has become more active, especially in the direction (industrial zone), carrying out offensive actions with armored vehicles,” he continued. According to the Ukrainian mayor, the Russians are attacking “on the flanks, from the south, a little less from the north,” using infantry “almost 24 hours a day” and “attacking positions around the city.”

Ukrainian tanks near Avdiivka, November 13, 2023. — © ANATOLII STEPANOV / AFP

Ukrainian tanks near Avdiivka, November 13, 2023. — © ANATOLII STEPANOV / AFP


Cameron promises Zelensky in Kiev that British military support will continue

Time with AFP

David Cameron, head of British diplomacy:

By our presence I mean that we will continue to provide you with the moral, diplomatic, economic and, above all, military support that you need, not only this year and next, but also throughout the period that it will last.


British Foreign Minister Cameron meets Zelensky in Kiev

Time with AFP

British diplomatic chief David Cameron was received in Kiev by President Volodymyr Zelensky on his first foreign trip since his appointment. “Weapons for the front lines, strengthening air defense, protecting our people and our critical infrastructure. I am grateful to the United Kingdom for its support,” Volodymyr Zelensky said in a statement on social media.


Assassins pardoned by Vladimir Putin are back from the Ukrainian front

At least 17 murderers sentenced to long prison terms benefited from early release and a presidential pardon in return for their commitment to supporting Russian troops in Ukraine. A practice that is gradually worrying her compatriots.

Read our full article.


Swiss-made ammunition reportedly entered Ukraine via Poland

Time with ATS

A Polish company, UMO SP, has reportedly delivered 145,000 rounds of sniper ammunition and 500,000 Swiss-made assault rifle cartridges to Ukraine. reveals the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. This war material came from the production of Swiss P, the former ammunition factory in Thun, which later became Ruag Ammotec. Private companies like UMO SP do not have to sign a re-export declaration. The case is therefore complex. The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, which is responsible for export control, said the investigations are ongoing.


An export ban on precision machinery could deal a serious blow to Russia

The weather

The European Union’s desire to ban exports to Russia of precision machine tools and components necessary for making weapons, revealed by Bloomberg on Wednesday, “could, if implemented effectively, deal a serious blow to the Russian defense industry.” estimates the American think tank Institute for the Study of War in its daily inventory. Precision machinery such as welding machines, lithium batteries, thermostats and motors (including drones) are essential for the production of weapons and ammunition. And according to ISW, Russia relies almost exclusively on European imports for these machines and components, which makes it “particularly vulnerable to such sanctions.” Even though Moscow is “increasingly striving to develop import substitution solutions.”


The Ukrainians established positions on the southern bank of the Dnieper

Time with AFP

The Ukrainian army has managed to establish positions on the Russian-controlled bank of the Dnieper in the south of the country, an official from the Moscow-appointed administration in the occupied zone admitted for the first time. According to specialized Russian and Ukrainian bloggers and experts who analyzed information available online, since the end of October, the Ukrainian army has managed to entrench several positions on the left bank of the river in the southern Kherson region. According to them, these forces gradually crossed the river by boat. In order to penetrate deeper into the occupied territory, the Ukrainian army must be able to move heavy equipment into this sandy and swampy area.


Wednesday day

Here you will find our follow-up to the events of November 15, 2023.