The sea voyage turns into a nightmare they film a

The sea voyage turns into a nightmare: they film a shark attacking their boat

The scene dates back to the Easter weekend on April 16th. An Australian family was enjoying the day at sea when a shark crossed their path. Pictures worthy of the movie “Jaws”.

The “scary” sequence was filmed by the boat’s occupants. It must be said that prior to this attack, the Tuckfield family were enjoying the joys of the sea this Easter Sunday on the coast of Madurah, south of Perth, Australia.

The day came under auspicious omens for David Tuckfield, his wife Tanya and their son Shelby, according to the Yahoo news site. The family was sailing aboard their boat when they encountered a specimen of a shark determined to fight.

The father of the family explained that he had not expected this attack at all. They didn’t see him coming, the great white shark. but once the introduction was made, the sea voyage took a very different turn. “He surprised us, he was between three and four meters long and he tried tirelessly for an hour to attack.”

From the images posted on YouTube, we can see that the shark tries to bite the boat’s engine several times. “We were appalled, terrified by the violence, but most of all by the size of the creature. It was impressive,” explained David Tuckfiel. You can even hear the screams of Tanja, the frightened mother.

Eventually the shark let go and left the boat to continue on its way. And thankfully no one on board was injured.

Also read:
A 35-year-old man killed by a great white shark: the incredible video of the attack

Images that frighten, but find an echo, especially in Australia, which is marked by the death of a bather in February 2022 in Sydney Bay.