The search for the plane which has been missing since

The search for the plane, which has been missing since 2014, could be resumed

The Malaysian government has admitted it may restart the search for flight MH370. The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was carrying 239 people between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing, China, when it disappeared on March 8, 2014. Almost ten years later, no wreckage has been found. But now a US company has proposed a new operation in the southern Indian Ocean to find the plane's remains.

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The disappearance will soon be 10 years old (Image: ahmad.faizal/Shutterstock)

A new operation will try to find the missing plane

Malaysian Transport Minister Anthony Loke promised to invite Texasbased marine robotics company Ocean Infinity to listen to the proposal for the new operation. However, the government of the Asian country made it clear that it would not pay a single cent if the plane was not found.

Despite pressure from the victims' families, Malaysian authorities have made clear in recent years that they will not fund a search without new leads on the plane's location.

According to Loke, if the evidence is credible, he will seek Cabinet approval for a new contract to resume searches. The information comes from Euronews.

The government is committed to locating MH370. We truly hope the search can find the plane and tell the next of kin the truth.

Anthony Loke, Malaysian Transport Minister

destrocoDebris from the plane reached the East African coast and the islands in the Indian Ocean (Image: Muhammad Amirul Azmi/Shutterstock)

Biggest secret of modern civil aviation

  • The disappearance will soon last 10 years.
  • Satellite data showed the plane deviated from its flight path and crossed the southern Indian Ocean, where it is believed to have crashed.
  • Although some debris from the plane reached the East African coast and Indian Ocean islands, the exact location of the crash remains a mystery.
  • Several operations have been carried out in recent years, but no clues have been found.
  • The sea search, considered the most important in history, was suspended in January 2017.
  • A private operation was subsequently carried out by Ocean Infinity in 2018, but nothing was found either.
  • This is considered the greatest mystery of modern civil aviation and the tragedy sparked measures to improve aviation safety.
  • Many relatives of the victims accused the airline and the Malaysian government of withholding information about the case.
  • The country's authorities deny this.