The secret to whether eggs are fresh lies in the

The secret to whether eggs are fresh lies in the “separation”: How to protect your health and that of your loved ones iFood

How do you recognize fresh eggs?Choose eggs –

How do you recognize fresh eggs? Here are some infallible ways to consume fresh, high-quality eggs to avoid negative effects on the health of our families.

Eating fresh eggs should be a must for all Italian families: In fact, expired eggs can seriously harm our health and that of our loved ones and it’s good to learn to recognize quality eggs.

Suffice it to say that the eggs are expired and will no longer be fresh for several days They can cause some gastrointestinal upset, but can also cause salmonella infection with significantly more serious consequences.

We buy the eggs in the supermarket They have the expiration date on the coverthe indication of the time within which the food should be consumed, but if this information is missing, how do you recognize fresh eggs?

There are home methods recognized as valid that anyone can test Discover the freshness of an egg and protect yourself from possible unhealthy consequences that can arise even after cooking.

How to identify fresh eggs: The water method and the smell

One of the most commonly used methods to identify fresh eggs is Fill a bowl with cold water and place the egg we want to examine in it. This can have three different behaviors that make us know whether we can consume it or not. If the egg settles to the bottom of the bowl, it is a fresh egg. If the egg remains in the middle of the bowl, as if floating in water, it can be eaten, but only after careful cooking. If the egg finally floats to the surface, it is better to throw it away as it is an egg that should not be consumed.

Did you know that the smell of an egg tells us how fresh it is? Not everyone knows that a fresh egg is not an egg that exudes its typical smell, but presents itself as an odorless product when it is at its maximum freshness. The fresh egg therefore does not smell and does not release any odor into the surrounding air.

Fresh Egg MethodsCrack egg into bowl –

The yolk-protein method for identifying fresh eggs: Here’s how it works

Let’s talk about another generally accepted method to assess the freshness of an egg and consists of cracking an egg in a bowl. If the compact part of the egg white clearly separates from the liquid part, the egg is fresh: This is due to the higher proportion of proteins and fatty acids. However, if the egg white remains liquid and there is no noticeable difference, the egg should be thrown away.

Finally, there is another test to put our eggs through to evaluate their freshness Try touching or shaking the broken egg in the bowl: With fresh eggs, the yolk remains compact and rarely falls apart.

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