Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

The Senate approves Lula's proposals for Brazil's Supreme Court and prosecutor's office

Dino will now become Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) as his nomination was approved in the Upper House with 47 votes in favor and 31 against.

The 55-year-old Senator for Justice and Public Security replaces Minister Rosa Maria Weber, who resigned from office in September after turning 75, the age limit for members of the STF.

Between 2015 and 2023, the new Supreme Court justice was governor of the state of Maranhão (Northeast) and previously served as a federal judge.

The 62-year-old Gonet's nomination for the Office of the Attorney General (PGR) was also approved with 65 votes in favor, 11 against and one abstention. Previously, he served as deputy election attorney.

The Senate's Constitutional and Justice Commission (CCJ) had previously confirmed Lula's appointment this Wednesday.

After nearly ten hours of Saturday discussions (concerns and questions), Dino's nomination was approved at this meeting by a vote of 17-10. Gonet had a more comfortable score: 23 to four.

Hours before the president's two proposals, the Senate voted on suggestions from other agencies. These discussions began yesterday and were scheduled for this Wednesday.

The rapporteurs for Lula's appointment issued positive opinions on December 6th. After reading the reports in the CCJ there was no discussion.

After the upper house of the legislature approves both names, it is up to the STF and PGR to decide the date of possession.
