The separation of Bruna Marquezine and Joao Guilherme is linked

The separation of Bruna Marquezine and João Guilherme is linked to betrayal and a slipup with Jade Picon. On to the details!

The separation of Bruna Marquezine and João Guilherme is linked to betrayal and a slipup with Jade Picon.  On to the details!

The separation of Bruna Marquezine and João Guilherme is linked to betrayal and a slipup with Jade Picon. On to the details!

Photo: AGNews, / Instagram / Purepeople

Bruna Marquezine and João Guilherme are no longer together. Amid many romance rumors, the two were spotted together in Fernando de Noronha and were reportedly in a smooching mood after Anitta's rehearsal in Rio de Janeiro last weekend. But it turns out that a gossip may have ruined everything and also explains why João unfollowed his exgirlfriend Jade Picon. Find out everything!

João Guilherme rekindled his relationship with Jade Picon but regretted it

According to columnist Leo Dias, João Guilherme had a memory of Jade Picon shortly after returning from Fernando de Noronha. Zé Felipe's brother went to Jade Picon's apartment to “remember the old days,” says the journalist.

Jade Picon betrayed Bruna Marquezine, sparking a breakup

Another point revealed by Leo Dias is that João Guilherme said that the relapse with Jade Picon was a mistake and stated that the two would be together last time. The reasoning is that the actor would like Bruna Marquezine and would like to have a relationship with the star of “Blue beetle“.

After the “out,” Jade didn’t seem to like it at all and passed everything on to Bruna Marquezine, who decided to call off the romance with João Guilherme immediately. Good Lord!

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