the shock cartoon on Fatto Quotidiano

the shock cartoon on Fatto Quotidiano


The fact that a Vauro Senesithe communist cartoonist, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukraine doesn’t quite like them is certainly not a secret. Just think of Vauro’s appearance on television in the early days of the war unleashed by Russia Wladimir Putinin which in Piazza Pulita, the program of Corrado Formigli broadcast on La7 insisted on Nazi crests among the Ukrainian armed forces.

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For heaven’s sake, the fact that the Azov battalion consists of neoNazis is no secret. But then there is the war, the real one, in view of which some differ, Senesi permit us, they appear a little hairyout of place, unsettling.


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But so be it. Also here today, on the first page of the Fatto Quotidiano di Marco Travaglio, Vauro is spent in a cartoon rendering the figure of his thoughts on Zelensky. Development. The title at the top reads: “cnn Zelensky conjures up the Third World War“And it’s true, the Prime Minister of Ukraine has been talking about this risk of a Third World conflict, and a nuclear one at that, for days. A possible circumstance, but not particularly likely, at least until now. And, it is believed, Vauro uses similar reasoning to arrive at the conclusions of his sketch Under the title, one black flag with super bomb explosion, maybe atomic, and at the bottom the words “The End”. Hence Senesi’s comment: “The Last Comedian‘ That would obviously be Zelensky. Yes, the leader of the Ukrainian resistance compared to a comedian (obviously referring to the “last comics” of Finiana’s memory…).

Vauro vs Zelensky: Click here to watch the cartoon