the singer who returns with the right government ​​

the singer who returns with the right government ​​

That Sanremo Music Festival 2023 it is still a long way off, but the controversies have already begun. Everything is normal, indeed the opposite would have been strange. This time the announcement was enough amadeuswhich on Rg1 revealed the big names lining up in the next issue (and what a big one) to post some politically-related comments on social media, obviously half-jokingly.

And with a somewhat ambiguous irony Luke misculinThe Post journalist opened the round: “The right is back in the government e Last Among the participants in Sanremo is only one Coincidence?”. A comment that immediately garnered a thousand “likes”, on the other hand, the Ultimo case was sensational at the time. It was 2019 when the well-known singer practically felt like the winner of Sanremo and instead ended up behind the then half-unknown Mahmood. The latter then went on to have a brilliant career that saw him team up with Blanco to win Sanremo again in 2022.

Now Ultimo has a chance to make amends, and someone – like Misculin – is wondering if the change in government has anything to do with his reinstatement at the Festival (he didn’t behave very well after the loss, ed.). Among other things, the speech by Matteo Salvini is remembered: “Mahmood, well, the most beautiful Italian song? I would have chosen Ultimo, what do you think?”. In short, Sanremo is not without controversy, even with a political background.