1657328051 The Single Water Syndicate no longer has a General Manager

The Single Water Syndicate no longer has a General Manager

Jean-Louis Francisque finished Franck Brachet’s duties yesterday afternoon. Apparently, the president of the mixed syndicate for the management of water and sanitation in Guadeloupe has repealed the decree appointing the director general.

E. Stimpfling • Posted Jul 8, 2022 1:00 PM, updated Jul 8, 2022 1:27 PM

A decision made after several warnings, most notably from the CFTC territorial union. Alerts related to the administrative grade of the data subject. According to Jean-Louis Francisque, the position of DG was open to anyone holding the degree of hor classe engineer. But Franck Brachet was only chief engineer.

We have tried unsuccessfully to reach him.

Franck Brachet took office on May 16. Born in Guyana, he was hired on the basis of a tender. The profile you were looking for was the right one “an engineer with proven experience of at least fifteen years in the general management of a public and/or private organization in the DOM6TOMs and metropolitan France related to the construction and operation of works and networks in the water and waste water sectors”


SMGEAG logo • ©Olivier Duflo

His job at SMGEAG therefore lasted less than two months. Jean-Louis Francisque assures that his successor will be appointed by the end of September at the latest

In less than a year, 3 people have already taken over from this General Manager position.

First there was Jean-Gabriel Quillin… for a few hours the former Director General of Routes de Guadeloupe resigned on September 1, 2021, the same day SMGEAG was created.

Richard Samuel then succeeded him. In particular, the former prefect had headed the prefiguration team that led to the creation of the union. But there it is the Territorial CFTC and UET unions that are challenging his appointment, arguing that it was tainted with illegality and not in accordance with public service rules. In fact, Richard Samuel retired on September 23, 2021.

Jean-Louis Francisque President of SMGEAG

©E. stomp

During the break, representation of the DGS was secured by Chantal Colard, General Secretary of SMGEAG