The situation is disturbing the Palestinian demonstration in Graz took

“The situation is disturbing”: the Palestinian demonstration in Graz took place despite the ban 5 minutes

Published on October 14, 2023, 5:14 pm / ©Jana Winkler

In the photo you can see police cars lined up next to each other

Despite the ban, the demonstration in Palestine still took place. The situation was a little complicated, but the police had everything under control, according to officers when asked for 5 minutes.

by Sabrina Tischler

2 minutes of reading (334 words)

As previously reported, police banned a demonstration in Palestine planned for Saturday afternoon. According to authorities, a threat to public order and security is to be expected. In line with the current situation, those responsible announced on Friday that they would increase the police presence: “The Styrian police are prepared with an adequate number of emergency services for a possible operation next weekend” – more about this here.

“Uncomfortable situation”

Increased police presence proved necessary. Despite the ban, the Palestinian demonstration still took place in the center of Graz. About 30 people gathered shortly after 4 p.m. Some of them used flags and shouted appropriate words. After a few minutes, the meeting participants left the square in small groups towards Herrengasse. There these people met around 30 other people who showed solidarity with the small groups.

“The gathering dispersed quickly but moved to Herrengasse,” said a police spokesman. Heimo Kohlbacher on request within 5 minutes. When asked what the situation was like there, Kohlbacher said, “It’s a little uncomfortable.” But he can reassure: “The police have everything under control and have also warned people that the meeting cannot take place.”

arrest arrest

While the police were questioning the people present in Herrengasse about the reason for their gathering, an arrest was made. A young Palestinian man living in Austria used verbal insults against a police officer. The teenager was removed, but returned a short time later and slightly injured a police officer in the face. He was then arrested on suspicion of attempting to resist state authority. The investigation into the matter is ongoing.

The matter is being examined

The Graz police carried out several identity checks. The focus was on proportionality and dialogue. The Styrian State Police Department is now checking for further violations of the law.

Note: The article was updated on October 14 at 6:50 pm. New information based on a police statement has been added.

A warning: This post was updated on October 14, 2023 at 6:50 pm.