The sky falls on Marc Labreche – Hockey30.webp

The sky falls on Marc Labrèche – Hockey30

– The sky falls on Marc Labrèche’s head.

– Everyone accuses the host and comedian of being Bell Media’s CHOUCHOY.

– No one understands that after such terrible ratings, his show “I Come to You” will be aired again on Noovo.

– During the first season, the show never attracted more than 364,000 viewers…

– When the season last aired, the show attracted just over 180,000 viewers.


– Still…

– Marc Labrèche is PAID HIGHLY by Bell…

– His show eats up a large part of the station’s budget…

– Only and simply…because it is Marc Labrèche…

– And not by his results…

– His name saves him.

– Like Jean-Charles Lajoie on TVA Sports…

– Needless to say, Labrèche’s show was DESTROYED in the media.

“The episodes were neither compelling nor particularly funny. The “spontaneous” movements of Marc Labrèche, who gets up from his seat and walks around the studio, seemed anything but spontaneous,” said La Presse’s Hugo Dumas

The interviews lacked tone, flavor and substance, which never served the guests, who were reduced to the role of extras in Marc Labrèche’s Theater of the Absurd. The tone was not clear, nor was the intent. In short, this confusing mess was about to snuff out my TV flame, like a Patrice Bélanger at the end of a Survivor tribal council. added the journalist in a scathing tone.

The dangerousness of these “mid-flight” productions can be measured with the Numeris audiometers. First impressions count a lot and when missed it is very difficult to change the situation.

There’s so much on offer, across a phenomenal number of different platforms, that viewers will run away at the slightest intrusion. This is the current reality of television and we must take it into account. If something doesn’t grab us quickly, we disappear into the twists and turns of Crave, Disney+ or Netflix, which are full of series to discover. It’s cruel too.

“I Come To You” proves to be a strange and explosive work in both structure and content. The show runs two nights a week, Mondays and Tuesdays at 9 p.m., an atypical schedule that makes it difficult to retain audiences.

Furthermore, the (many) collaborators that surrounded Marc Labrèche did not all vibrate at the same frequency and had little time to strike. The best were those who knew the host well, like Guylaine Tremblay or Élise Guilbault, and who did not try to imitate his volatile, sometimes incoherent style.

– Bell Media seems to live in another world….

– And continue to treat Labrèche with small onions.

– Introduce.

– Not only that his failed show will be aired again.

– But it is he who will open the fall season of Noovo.

– Famines..

– A catastrophic return on investment and income …

– But Labrèche remains the KING of Bell…

– Strange…

Excitement is at its peak as Noovo’s return to television with the special promises to be spectacular I’m coming back to school. Marc Labrecheundisputed master of ceremonies, will take the lead in this breathtaking evening planned for September 10th at 8 p.m.

In a festive and entertaining atmosphere, this special program marks the start of the new autumn programme.

Accompanied by his dynamic chakras: Eve Côté, Élise Guilbault and Matthieu Pepper, as well as his extraordinary musical group, Marc Labrèche will bring together the channel’s biggest stars for an unforgettable evening.

Among the guests you will find emblematic faces such as Patrice Bélanger, Marie-Soleil Dion, Alicia Moffet, Louis Morissette, Jean-Philippe Perras, Kevin Raphaël, Frédérick Robichaud, Phil Roy, Julie Snyder, Arnaud Soly and Antoine Vézina and much more.

On the menu: a celebration of hilarious skits, captivating musical performances and exclusive previews of upcoming shows on the channel throughout the year.