1705856451 The specter of another Trump presidency looms over Trudeau39s cabinet

The specter of another Trump presidency looms over Trudeau's cabinet meeting

As Trudeau's ministers meet for three days in Montreal, Canada is once again concerned with the possibility of Donald Trump's return as president. In this context, Ottawa needs to take concrete preparatory measures, according to Canada's ambassador to the United States, Kirsten Hillman, who will speak to the Liberal troops.

When a similar activity was organized in 2016, Ms Hillman's predecessor was also invited. At the time, Democrats had Hillary Clinton with a six-point lead in national polls over her Republican rival, who would nevertheless win the White House against all odds.

Eight years later, recent polls show candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump neck and neck, despite all the problems the Republican leader is facing.

This time, being unprepared is out of the question.

“Whenever an important moment comes for Americans, we need to make sure we are aware of it and do everything we can to best prepare Canada for fluctuations and even changes in leadership,” she said in an interview with CBC News.

Medium shot of Kirsten Hillman with two Canadian flags behind her.

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Kirsten Hillman has been Canada's ambassador to Washington since March 2020. (file photo)

Photo: Radio-Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau raised the possibility of a second term for Donald Trump earlier this week.

It wasn't easy the first time and if there is a second time it won't be easy either.

The program of a Trump 2.0 might be even more eventful. The US could actually withdraw from the NATO military alliance, end American support for Ukraine and trigger new trade wars.

Trade tensions with Trump

Between 2017 and 2021, the Trudeau government clashed with the Trump administration several times, culminating in the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (the former NAFTA, now called CUSMA).

Enrique Pena Nieto, Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau at the signing of CUSMA.

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CUSMA was signed in 2018 when Enrique Pena Nieto (left) was president of Mexico.

Photo: The Canadian Press / Sean Kilpatrick

Part of Canada's strategy during these protracted trade negotiations was to build alliances in American political and business circles. According to Ms. Hillman, Canada should already begin renewing these relationships, not just in Washington but across the country.

The Canadian ambassador to the United States added that this work has already begun and that Canada's approach to obtaining support should be targeted and systematic.

This opinion is shared by Laura Dawson, an expert on Canada-US relations and executive director of the Future Borders Coalition. Ms. Dawson will also be invited to address the Trudeau Cabinet next week.

Such a cross-border charm offensive is absolutely necessary, regardless of the outcome of the election, a Biden presidency or a Trump presidency, she said in an interview on CBC Radio's “The House.”

There is a risk of rising tariffs

If Trump wins the election, trade is likely to be the first point of friction between Canada. The candidate for the Republican nomination has pledged to impose a flat 10% tariff on all products imported into the United States, including from Canada.

A review of the terms of CUSMA is also scheduled for 2026, as provided for in the contract.

According to the Canadian ambassador to the United States, the current trade agreement has been beneficial for Canada. In our opinion it works very well. “That's not to say there haven't been different interpretations in dispute resolution, but that's exactly what this dispute resolution system is designed to do,” Hillman said.

The issue of the United States will not be the only item on the agenda of the Trudeau cabinet meeting. According to the official press release, the construction of more houses and the promotion of the middle class are among the discussion topics on the agenda.

The Trudeau Cabinet meeting, which begins this Sunday, is scheduled to last three days.

Based on texts by Christian Paas-Lang and Aaron Wherry, CBC News.