1700660427 The spiritual leader of Murcia kept 180 kilos of mercury

The spiritual leader of Murcia kept 180 kilos of mercury in a bunker room in prison

The more than 10 hectare farm where the Mahasandhi Foundation was based was no simple spiritual retreat center in Abanilla (Murcia, population 6,000). Its leader, jailed this Tuesday for five crimes, including against public health, hid in this complex about 180 kilos of mercury, a highly toxic heavy metal, in addition to cinnabar, a mineral of which this metal is the main component. According to the investigation, the arrested person with the initials JMC, who called himself Total Transcendence, led ceremonies and retreats during which he administered substances that can cause serious harm to health. He wanted to produce a substance called “purified mercury,” which he attributed to energizing and revitalizing effects. The manufacture corresponded with its followers who experienced symptoms caused by the neurotoxicity of mercury.

During the searches, the police also found various substances used in alchemy, documents about experiments with these dangerous substances, 19 kilos of marijuana, a revolver and 90,000 euros in cash.

Finding the safe where the mercury was located was one of the previous tasks of the National Police before they began the arrest of the leader, who had already supplied this substance to his followers as an elixir with magical or healing powers. JMC, dubbed “The Lama of Murcia” by local media, lived in a cave within the complex that served as his foundation’s headquarters. The Mahasandhi Foundation’s website, which is defunct, and its social media profiles promoted the courses and products developed by the organization. A dozen of his followers lived in the same complex, also in caves. The followers were tasked with carrying out “alchemy techniques” in the laboratories of the complex itself and in an industrial warehouse in the municipality of Lorquí, some 30 kilometers away, with the intention of producing a substance they called “purified mercury.” ” .

The arrested man distributed these “elixirs” among his followers in the foundation’s rituals and ceremonies and, according to investigators, also sold them at herbal dealers, in the foundation itself and even online. This heavy metal is not sold to the general public and the Buddhist leader would have accessed it via the so-called Dark Web. Police are also investigating whether the waste from these alchemy practices was dumped in a septic tank within the complex itself, as this would have a “highly toxic” effect on the environment.

Aerial view of the Mahasandhi Foundation in Albanilla, Murcia.Aerial view of the Mahasandhi Foundation in Albanilla, Murcia.Google

In a statement released Wednesday, investigators described the group as a “cult.” According to investigative sources, the detainee’s followers took various types of psychoactive drugs during the retreat and meditation ceremonies held at the foundation, and the alleged teacher exploited the effects of these substances to suppress the will of the participants in the rituals.

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The prisoner spent a long time locked in his cave house, accompanied by several women who helped him and completed the tasks entrusted to them. “The devotion to the figure of the leader was so great that these people would have completely abandoned the relationship with their family and their social environment in order to faithfully dedicate themselves to his decisions,” say police sources, who add that both the leader and his Followers maintained a fidelity to their decisions in a “vote of silence” over extended periods of time. According to public television La 7, the detainee remained silent during his arrest and communicated with police via a board.

As for the financing of this organization, the police believe that, in addition to the sale of the facilities, it also came from donations and fee payments and activities of JMC supporters, which could be viewed on the website and ranged from 30 to 157 euros per month . According to the police, the prisoner “increased his assets in a relatively short period of time” because, in addition to working long hours, his followers also did all the work required by the foundation on a voluntary basis, and all of this “without complying with the legal requirements.” ” Work”.

The crimes for which he is being investigated are against public health, against the environment, against workers’ rights, against moral integrity and against illegal associations.

Numerous hiding places can be seen in the images of the police operation, such as a closet that leads to various rooms in which a firearm was found hidden in a safe or a whole series of knives, including knives and jungle machetes. In addition, the laboratories had numerous substances, some of which were classified as “very toxic” by those examined.

The investigation began thanks to the cooperation of citizens who informed investigators of their suspicions about these events via email sectas [email protected].

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