The sports university returned home after 23 years

The sports university returned home after 23 years

The university returned home after 23 years. The cream squad trained in the “Lolo” Fernandez Stadium a day after the game against Binacional on matchday 8 of the final tournament of league 1.

The works directed by Jorge Fossati lived up to expectations as they did so in the presence of a group of cream fans who admitted “Lolo” in the first part of the exercise. In this way, Universitario returns to this historic venue Brenawhere he played at home until 2000. Here he celebrated the title in 1992.

“Coming here was an important moment for us. I didn’t know that some of our fans would be there, but because of the players’ sense of belonging, it seemed like a good idea. This is a historic place for the club, it’s not a small pitch built three weeks ago; The place is historic and iconic. It seems to me that for what we had to do today, a training session here could be improvised, which is not the ground we play on. “It was a valuable experience,” commented Fossati.

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Despite the good experience, the merengue coach pointed out the obstacle that would prevent a future return. “I would like to be able to do it to the satisfaction of the fan. The biggest flaw I see is the bottom which is a bit hard so it’s not good to train here in terms of competition let alone at this height because the strings are perfectly in tune if you pull them too hard attracts “There might be a problem,” he added.

The sports university returned home after 23 years Accompanied. A group of cream fans had access to the training. Photo: spread

losses and rotation

The strategist also spoke about the sport as he publicized Flores’ layoffs and anger. “Ears” is the big question for today’s game. “Rivera, Succar and by Benedict. Flores was feeling a little bit, a little contracture in one of his twins and we’ll have to keep monitoring him to see if he’s fit to be ready tomorrow or not.”

He also ruled over the archers. “The two who played deserved to be in the first team. They will have more rotations than before and they both understood that. Tomorrow they will find out who is playing,” he concluded.

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Did you know…

full stadium. More than 40,000 tickets were sold for the duel against Team Juliaca, which is about maintaining the lead in the Clausura.

Out of? Urruti, Siucho, Herrera and Saravia were not part of the training.