1701629935 The start of Andalusian Flag Day is marked by national

The start of Andalusian Flag Day is marked by national political polarization

Everything at once and everywhere. This was the early commemoration of 4-D, when 46 years ago two million Andalusians took to the streets in all the provincial capitals of Andalusia, but also in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​to demand the right of this territory to leave marginalization and their own Enjoy autonomy. Three events at the same time, 12 o’clock in the morning this Sunday, took place in three different places in Seville and were promoted or promoted by different political formations, a diversity that shows the division with which the relevance of what happened is recognized supposed to be in 1977 and eventually became infected by the polarization that dominates national politics.

The traditional demonstration organized every year by the 4D platformOn this occasion, under the motto “For Sovereignty, Publicity and Peace”, supported by unions, tides and political formations such as Podemos, IU and Adelante Andalucía, they set off at noon from the Puerta de la Carne towards the Palace of San Telmo, One Route also traveled by the general secretary of the Purple Formation and former minister, Ione Belarra. A little later, a rally “in defense of Andalusia and the equality of the Spanish people” began in the Plaza de Cuba, called for by a little-known organization. Economy and Society Forum, to which the President of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno, who was also present, asked to take part. At this time, in Coria del Río, the ceremony of the II December 4th Award, presented by the PSOE Andalusia, Socialism and Democracy Foundation, which paid tribute to the former President of the Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, also began.

“Today I wanted to be here, on the eve of December 4th, a mythical day in Andalusia, to claim something that was already claimed 46 years ago and that Mr… [Pedro] “Sánchez has once again made clear what is the separation of powers that has been violated and, above all, something fundamental: equality among Spaniards,” the chief executive said upon his arrival at the rally in the Plaza de Cuba, where the 2,000 participants – According to the government sub-delegation, they carried Andalusian and Spanish flags, which they waved to the rhythm of Bachata, Aitana, El Canto del Loco or AC/DC – not an Andalusian group or singer. Although it was always emphasized that the event was convened by civil society, the presence of the mayors of all Andalusian capitals, the advisers of the Andalusian government and other high-ranking officials of the Junta and Genoa, such as Elías Bendodo and Juan Bravo, has de facto made an act of the PP – just as the party was rallying in Madrid against the PSOE’s amnesty and investiture agreements.

The manifesto read out – and which Autonomous Administration officials were called to sign this week from the official email of the Junta delegation in Huelva – warns that “equality between Spaniards is at risk”, that the agreements “a de “Factual review of the constitutional consensus” and allude to the destabilization of the rule of law. Bendodo has even assured that Andalusians demonstrated today to “denounce the democratic anomalies” that “happened this week”, pointing to the start of secret negotiations between the PSOE and the Junts in Geneva, contrary to the statements to the contrary the suitability of the Attorney General for the CGPJ or the President of the State Council for the Supreme Court or the diplomatic crisis with Israel.

Demonstration of the 4D platform for this Sunday in Seville. Demonstration of the 4D platform for this Sunday in Seville. PACO PUENTES

A little more than a kilometer away, the march called by the 4D platform began, which, under the premise of mobilizations for autonomy, has defended the Andalusian government’s respect for public health and education, as well as the right to adequate social services in a community that is 46 years later we are still at the end of all levels of precarity. And these were the cries heard during the demonstration – where the 1,000 participants waved only Andalusian and Palestinian flags – with each political party marching under its own banner. Behind Podemos was its national leader, who defended the importance of “Andalusia, as a historic nationality, playing a leading role in shaping political rights in a legislative period in which the territorial debate is opened.”

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That demonstration ended at the San Telmo Palace, the seat of the Andalusian government, a bridge away from the Moreno-sponsored rally. The Guadalquivir was the geographical border that separated two concentrations with greater ideological distance and which did not serve to muffle the volume of the Spanish anthem played on the right bank and which was heard just as the manifesto of the 4D platform was read . their assistants have begun to intone Andalusian, another example of the differences in the autonomous arguments of both sides. The first asserted the right of Andalusians to demonstrate for equality and that the Andalusian flag belongs to everyone, and the second defended that it was the only one that represented true Andalusism.

Previously and also at 12 in the morning, the PSOE celebrated its special December 4th with the second edition of the eponymous awards presented by the Andalusia, Socialism and Democracy Foundation, chaired by the former first chairman of the board, Rafael Escuredo. There, former President Rodríguez Zapatero defended the amnesty, which was criticized at the rally in the Plaza de Cuba. “Democracy thrives on generosity, reconciliation and forgiveness and is therefore the best system in history.” “We will be proud of this moment, of the determination of Pedro Sánchez that an amnesty was approved, a moment of serenity to reach an understanding with To reach Catalonia,” he noted.

Former Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero at the presentation of the II Award of the Andalusia, Socialism and Democracy Foundation on December 4th in Coria del Rio.Former Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero at the presentation of the II Award of the Andalusia, Socialism and Democracy Foundation on December 4th in Coria del Rio. Raúl Caro (EFE)

Parallels and differences to the 4D from 1977

December 4th was an anniversary remembered almost symbolically by the groups furthest to the left of the political spectrum until last year, since the PSOE had declared February 28th as Andalusia Day and the day of the vote on the Statute of Autonomy in 1980, the landmark of Andalusism. When Moreno arrived on the board, he also began to show this more autonomous profile, to the point where he realized that he had managed to get his people to wear, in addition to the bracelet with the colors of the Spaniards, the bracelet with them to wear the green and white armband flag, proof that the Andalusian right has always resisted the adoption of Andalusism. Therefore, he took advantage of the fact that 4D was somewhat orphaned to declare it Flag Day in 2022. However, the legitimacy of the concentration promoted by the President of the Board of Directors this Sunday, which appealed to the same spirit that unanimously brought millions of Andalusians to the streets, has been questioned. “It is good that the right must accept this date, but we must keep the memory alive and reveal Moreno’s strategy of using the flag of Andalusia as a throwing weapon. The 4D did not act against anyone,” recalls the leader of Adelante Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, who took part in the demonstration.

Journalist Pilar del Río covered the historic 1977 marches as a correspondent for Tele/eXprés, a Catalan media outlet, and she is categorical. “One of the mottos was ‘amnesty, freedom and autonomy’, we wanted to be like the others and not go against the others,” he points out, warning against the interpretations of history made by “the heirs of those in Madrid, who said that. “When the Statute of Autonomy was voted on, Spaniards, this is not your referendum,” referring to the UCD, which was against it. Isidoro Moreno, an anthropologist at the University of Seville, also does not recognize any parallels: “It is a perverse demand for equality to use Andalusia and its symbols.” What happened in 1977 was a popular outcry that went beyond the expectations of the parties and not themselves against anyone, but should demand that we have our own tools to deal with our problems.”

Historian José Luis Villar certainly observes parallels between the political moment 46 years ago and today: “At the end of the 70s, the new configuration of Spain was defined and there were plans for the Basque Country and Catalonia to have full autonomy. . Now we are also in a quasi-constitutive moment in which the territorial structure is being redefined and this requires, as it did then, an awareness on the part of Andalusians.” However, he warns that two ingredients are missing to reproduce these demonstrations today: “unity of all political and social forces and that this demonstration was not directed against anyone, but in defense of Andalusia, so that it could be in the first division and that should be claimed now, in a time of crisis.”