The strategy used by Marc Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs to

The strategy used by Marc Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs to help you have a more productive day

Identifying and devoting time to important tasks from the start of the day improves performance. (European press)

The experts in Performance And Leadership training discovered a key to increasing the optimization of the morning before the start of the work day: simplification personal wardrobe. Jonathan AlbertPsychotherapist and author, explained to FOX News that his theory is based on the idea of Adopt a similar wardrobe daily to reduce the number of decisions before work, a practice also used by successful personalities such as: Mark Zuckerberg, CEO from Goal and co-founder and CEO of Manzana, Steve Jobs.

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“I really want to clean up my life so that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how I can best serve this community,” he said. Pile of sugar in 2014 during an event Facebook In Menlo Park, California. “I'm in a really fortunate position to get up every day and help help over a billion people, and I feel like I'm not doing my job if I spend my energy on silly or frivolous things in my life .” published by the British newspaper The Independent.

Make time for this in the morning high-impact tasks to optimize work performance is the advice of Leadership Coach based in Washington, D.C, Andrea J Millerwhich assures that “a good start to the day is to use the calm of the early morning hours to plan the day so that you focus more on the effect than on the activity” and recommends: “First, identify a high-impact task that makes a significant difference in your work and devote uninterrupted time to it.”It says.

Nutrition experts emphasize the importance of drinking water after overnight dehydration as an essential part of healthy aging and disease prevention. (Getty Images)

The methodology proposed by Müller And Mitchell CreaseyFounder of The President's Coach In Toronto, based on planning and introspection. Before sleep, Creasey recommends asking yourself what work is a priority for the next day without immediately looking for an answer. The unconscious mind processes the to-do list so that at dawn you have a clear idea of ​​what steps need to be followed before the formal start of working hours.

Adopt a positive attitude and proper hydration upon waking are also among the expert-recommended strategies for improving productivity and overall well-being. Accordingly Deb HarrisonGrowth and change coach based in Hudson Valley, new YorkSetting up one “Morning mentality for motivation” It can be the key to successfully getting through the day.

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Harrison suggests visualizing the tasks to be completed and boosting self-esteem through positive affirmations: “You can talk to yourself positively and say things like, 'I will do my best during the day and be proud of what I have accomplished, including the efforts I have put in.'”, he told FOX News. These practices aim to build self-confidence and calm and may include calmly completing daily tasks and fostering an internal dialogue that strengthens personal effort.

A positive attitude and hydration are other keys to maximizing daily work hours. (Christin Klose/dpa)

On the other hand, Nutrition experts Emphasize the importance of drinking water when you wake up in your sleep after being dehydrated for hours. They emphasize that an adult's body is largely made up of water, justifying early hydration with benefits for healthy aging and disease prevention.