The surrender Its not an option

“The surrender? It’s not an option »

by Lorenzo Cremonesi, our correspondent in Zaporizhia

Mikhail Pirog, chief of the 4th Azov battalion stationed in Zaporizhia: “We can fight for weeks. We are not racists, we fight for freedom against Putin’s fascism.

“Surrender? We never talked about it. The Russians can confidently renounce their ultimatums. The fighting heroes of Mariupol will fight to the last man, they do not seek martyrdom but are ready to die. But first the reinforcements will arrive.” Commander Mikhail Pirog is almost stunned when asked about the possibility that the Ukrainians who have been surrounded for almost two months decide to surrender to save their lives: “It’s not an option,” he explains calmly, at the age of 55 Pirog leads the fourth volunteer battalion of the Azov nationalist formation, about a thousand men, in Zaporizhia District, the midsouth city closest to Mariupol.

How many Ukrainians are encircled and still fighting?

“This is confidential information. I can tell you that there are marines from the 36th and 503rd brigades, National Guard soldiers and many Azov volunteers. They are still operational units, we managed to send them reinforcements with weapons and ammunition until a few weeks ago. They can still hold out for weeks, but lack food and water like civilians do.

Here in military circles we are talking about a thousand Ukrainian soldiers surrounded against 10,000 Russians. Does it make sense?

“Yes, I would say that the relationship is like that. However, I cannot say exactly which parts of the city are still in their hands, apart from the Azovstal steelworks area, also because the positions are constantly changing: we are talking about a battle between the streets of a large urban area. There are many places of resistance and they complicate the Russian advance ».

A classic urban warfare with Molotov cocktails and snipers?

“I would say more. Ours still have rockets, antitank weapons, light mortars. They are soldiers in an army, not urban guerrillas».

What do you say to those who, even among Ukraine’s European allies, accuse Azov of being a neoNazi and racist group?

“We are patriots fighting for freedom and democracy. Russian propaganda distorts reality and accuses us of Nazism, while it is Russian soldiers who kill, steal and rape civilians. They are the new Hitlerists. We are also fighting to defend European democracies against Putin’s expansionist fascism.”

What about your Cossack origins? They are children of the same units that stood alongside the SS in World War II.

“Did you know that there were many collaborating Russians among the guards of Nazi concentration camps?” But the Red Army was different. For us today, the Cossack soul is synonymous with freedom against Putin’s oppressive dictatorship. Except racists! We have Jews, Azerbaijanis, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Catholics, Muslims ».

Critics mention the swastika on their uniforms and flags.

“The swastika is an ancient Slavic, panEuropean, even Indian symbol. For us it has no relation to Nazism. Would you ever accuse the Indians of having swastikas that are thousands of years old? But these are speeches that really don’t make sense today. The reality is that we defend ourselves against violent and fanatical aggression. We need all your help.”

April 18, 2022 (Change April 18, 2022 | 23:17)