The Tico party calls the public labor law a coup

The Tico party calls the public labor law a coup against workers

This March 10 comes into effect the Public Employment Framework Law promoted by the government of former President Carlos Alvarado (2018-2022) and approved by the Legislative Assembly in an exercise of unification of the entire dominant business class, according to a PU press release , where he explains his political position on this norm.

This law, he claims, contains several vices and is clearly unconstitutional, designed only to worsen working conditions in the public sector and open loopholes for the private sector.

Likewise, it violates the principle of non-retroactivity of the law, violates the autonomy of the centralized institutions, constitutes a de facto salary cut, alongside a series of irregularities that it violates the political constitution and the international treaties signed by the State of Costa Rica.

It is claimed that the approval and implementation of this law reflects the fact that it does not matter which party occupies the Presidential House, nor which factions make up the Legislative Assembly, since the state has been the same for decades, acting as the steward of the class interests of the great millionaires

Laws like the Public Employment Framework and Anti-Strike and projects like the well-known 4×3 (four 12-hour shifts and three rest periods), which should rather be called ‘Abolition of Overtime and Eight-Hour Shifts’, are tricks to legalize the destruction of workers’ rights in this country, PU denounces.

«For many years, the sold-out press has discredited workers’ organizations. Characters who were obviously paid and instructed to form opinions have accumulated many hours on television railing against anything that sounds like a union,” he claims.

It is clear that they are only laying the groundwork for what the government and Congress are doing against the people, adding that the idea has always been to divert public opinion, divide it and incite any kind of opposition to it avoid plans anti-people.

But, he insists, our people are able to see what’s really happening, and we at the Pueblo Unido Party have a responsibility to say so because, he emphasizes, it leaves us between private sector workers and the public sector, precisely to divide us and weaken us as a people.

For this reason, he stresses that “only with popular unity will we be able to face the big millionaires who want to continue to enrich themselves at the expense of the humblest and the working class. We cannot trust the rich who have ruled us for decades, no matter what colors they use.

After pointing out that it must be made clear that they are dividing us in order to defeat us more easily and that attacking the workers of a sector means attacking part of the working class and then attacking the rest, the PU calls for to fight for unity the entire working class, because “only the people save the people”.
