The tide has turned at Big Brother Vip Pier Silvio

The tide has turned at Big Brother Vip. Pier Silvio Berlusconi rejects first names: Rockets, Justine…

Well-informed sources assure FqMagazine that the first list that hit Biscione’s CEO’s desk was completely rejected

The tide has turned at Big Brother Vip Pier Silvio

For the “Big Brother“We’re changing the pace. Above all to avoid repeat the same mistakes. The reality show hosted by Alfonso Signorini will debut on channel 5, barring any surprises, Monday 11 September. Who will enter the most spied on house in Italy? We’ve been working for weeks to assemble a cast of familiar faces, along with some real strangers. A change, we said, will be, will have to be, visible directly from the names of the participants. On the other hand the CEO Pier Silvio BerlusconiAt the presentation of the Palinsesti Mediaset, he spoke clearly and decisively on the subject without bigotry: “I think that reality shows are inevitably a part of commercial television.” There are limits that should not be exceeded. Tattoos, swear words, cutouts. It wasn’t. There are limits that also have to do with sensitivity and respect for the individual. I saw an episode and that’s not good: it’s not the single episode, it depends on how something is presented and the context. I would like the authors to make an effort to tell stories without exaggeration. The fault always lies with those who make the product. We got distracted, it was our fault” explained the number one of the biscione.

Thus, well-informed sources assure a FqMagazine The the first list proposed by the authors of the program has arrived on the desktop of Pier Silvio Berlusconi was completely rejected. Among those who You will not go through the red door are the names of Justin Mattera, known for her marriage to Paolo Limiti. Proposed, as the always well-informed Dagospia revealed, also the former parliamentarian Antonio Razzi. Also among the “rejected”. Carmen Di Pietro and her son Alessandro Iannoniwho are already two at “The island of the famous“. CEO Mediaset He responded to those four names and the entire list with “No, thanks.” The authors will have to try harder. The wind has changed.