The TVA helicopter is over after 18 years of service

The TVA helicopter is over after 18 years of service – World of Stars

It’s a true story turning as we learn Tuesday that the TVA helicopter will remain grounded after 18 years of patrolling Quebec in search of exclusive pictures.

It is The Sun’s TV columnist Richard Therrien who breaks the sad news. An announcement that comes a few weeks after major cuts at TVA and Quebecor amid tough financial results.

“This decision was made following the recent restructuring. The contract with the service provider ends at the end of May. On the other hand, if certain situations require it, TVA does not rule out the possibility of reverting to it,” TVA Communications Director Ariane Fortin told Richard Therrien via email.

Over the years journalists such as Maxime Landry and Élizabeth Laplante have been assigned to the TVA helicopter which has provided us with breathtaking views and images.

Maxime Landry also announced his departure from TVA a few days ago. Here is the emotional message he posted on LinkedIn:

“I started in this editorial office when I was 19. I am leaving 27 years later.

I have announced my retirement from TVA Nouvelles.

It’s not an easy decision. But this is the decision I make after long and deep thought.

I’ve spent more than half my life there.

I experienced historic moments there. dramas And also incredible joys.

Collapsing twin towers. An exploding space shuttle. wars began. attacks perpetrated. Election nights that keep us awake.

But it’s mostly people that make up this space that I’ll miss. The team of producers. The management team. All my cameramates, technicians, reporters, readers. We’ve been through difficulties together. We laughed tears together. We have developed, learned and grown together.

Today I’m going because I feel like I’ve walked around my sandbox. Those years at TVA defined me as an individual. I was a cameraman, editor, reporter, boss. One employer, but a thousand adventures.

What’s next?

To be honest I don’t know yet. It’s a leap into the void.

I take time for myself. Time to have a coffee, chat, chat. And decide what to do next.

Take your time. To me that is the greatest wealth there is. »

And here are some photos of the TVA helicopter taken over the years:

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