The two year old girl was not circumcised determines the DPJ

The two-year-old girl was not circumcised, determines the DPJ

The Department for the Protection of Young Persons (DPJ) is not taking complaints after investigating a possible case of female genital mutilation in a two-year-old girl. After an investigation, the DPJ determined that this was not circumcised, a report that puts an end to this file.

“The medical examination revealed a completely normal physical development of the child, without any anomalies or deformities,” says a press release published on Friday by the CIUSSS of the Capitale-Nationale – “at the request of the parents,” it says specifically.

The girl’s case was revealed by La Tribune newspaper earlier this month. He reported that an educator at a child care center (CPE) in the greater Quebec City area, while changing the child’s diaper, noticed that her anatomy was unusual and that she appeared to have suffered genital mutilation. With her director, she contacted the DPJ, who replied that the case was too sensitive to open an investigation, it said.

The possible excision and the alleged refusal of the DPJ had led to two official interventions. The Commission on Human and Youth Rights (CDPDJ) had launched an inquiry and Social Services Minister Lionel Carmant had given assurances that the girl’s case would be looked into by the DPJ.

This assessment has now taken place and the DPJ not only found his anatomy to be normal, but also found that “his psychomotor development is above expectations for his age”.

“The parents cooperated extremely well throughout the investigation process. We are currently offering them support to accompany them through this traumatic and hurtful path of suffering. We wish them the best of luck and a speedy return to normal life,” said Patrick Corriveau, director of youth protection (DPJ) at the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale.

When the CDPDJ announced that it would launch its investigation to ensure the child’s rights were respected, it mentioned that the CPE had done exactly what it had to do by contacting the DPJ. The organization recalled at the time that the Youth Protection Act stipulates that any professional caring for children who has reasonable grounds to believe that their safety or development is at risk – or can be considered as such – “is obliged to deal with the situation without Message to report.’ Delay’ to the DYP.

Female circumcision and any other form of genital mutilation are prohibited under Canada’s Penal Code.

However, the DYP’s decision in this case does not end the investigations launched by the Commission des droits de la personne et de la jeunesse.

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