The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will arrive in

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will arrive in Venezuela to review the attacks by the Maduro dictatorship

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will arrive in Venezuela today to review the attacks by the Madurist dictatorship.  (Reuters)The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will arrive in Venezuela today to review the attacks by the Madurist dictatorship. (Portal)

the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turkwill arrive in Venezuela this Thursday from Colombia and meet with members of the Madurist dictatorship, civil society and opposition leaders to discuss “various human rights issues‘ in the Caribbean country.

“It is very important to me to speak with the government, with civil society groups, with human rights defenders and with the opposition on various human rights issues in Venezuela,” Türk said during a press conference at the end of his visit to Venezuela. Colombia, from where you travel to the neighboring country.

In this way, the High Commissioner decides to include Venezuela, a country that has been harshly reported on human rights violationin his first trip to Latin Americaduring which he also visited Ecuador.

According to the High Commissioner, who gave no details on the trip, agenda and duration, it was his “job”. Bring human rights issues into government and make sure they are discussed“.

Likewise, he claimed he was looking for “ensure that the human rights perspective is clear in all government actionsespecially when it comes to public space.”

1674732914 371 The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will arrive in“It is very important to me to speak with the government, with civil society groups, with human rights defenders and with the opposition on various human rights issues in Venezuela,” Türk said during a press conference at the end of his visit to Venezuela. Colombia.

The visit will also come at a time when Venezuela is opening up internationally, with a rapprochement with the United States and Colombia, with whom it has resumed diplomatic relations, and after the Chavista visit last November Delcy Rodríguezto Geneva, where he met with representatives of several international organizations to achieve greater cooperation for the country.

Rodríguez already met Türk, who replaced him in October Former Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

Meanwhile, the Venezuelan opposition grouped in the Unified platform asked the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights this Wednesday “check personally” the conditions of detention and the state of health of everyone Political prisoner.

Former opposition MP Adriana Pichardo assured anti-Chavista hope so “This visit brings results for the Venezuelan family who were direct victims of the regime.”

They are also aiming for the passage of Türk through Venezuela “Bring the release of the more than 240 prisonersbetween civilians and soldiers, men and women”.

Hours before the arrival of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Venezuela, Volker TurkNicolás Maduro’s dictatorship unleashed a new wave of persecution against opposition figures and journalists.

The Venezuelan opposition grouped in the Unitary Platform this Wednesday asked the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to The Venezuelan opposition grouped in the Unitary Platform this Wednesday asked the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to “personally check” the prison conditions and the state of health of all political prisoners.

On the one hand the president of the newspaper El Nacional, Miguel H.Oterodenounced the arrest of journalist José Gregorio Meza by the Chavista security forces and the summoning of four other journalists from the newspaper by the judiciary.

Meanwhile, the Venezuelan opposition Dinorah Figuerabanned in Spain, denounced that the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence (Dgcim) searched her home in Caracas two hours after she warned that agents had raided the Anti-Chavista’s home Auristela Vasquez -which is also in the European nation-, both with arrest warrants against them.

Hours before the arrival of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, in Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro's dictatorship has unleashed a new wave of persecution against opponents and journalists.  (EFE)Hours before the arrival of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, in Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro’s dictatorship has unleashed a new wave of persecution against opponents and journalists. (EFE)

“Right now they’re searching my home in Los Rosales, Caracas. Regime security officials continue the strategy of state terrorism and add another act to their long list of human rights abuses,” the former MP wrote on her Twitter account just before 18:00 local time (22:00 GMT).

Earlier, on the same social network, Figuera had rejected the “invasion” against the house of Vásquez, the second vice-president of Parliament elected in 2015, who maintains a group of former opposition MPs, even though her term expired in January 2021. in Rejection of the current legislature controlled by Chavismo.

(With information from EFE)

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