The United States intends to ban the import of Russian oil

Joe Biden will announce an embargo on Russian oil and gas on Tuesday, Bloomberg reports. A ban that European allies would not follow.

The Biden administration intends to impose a ban on US imports of Russian energy resources as early as Tuesday. Bloomberg. Joe Biden is expected to speak at 10:45 a.m. from the White House (4:45 p.m. French time).

The ban will include Russian oil, liquefied natural gas and coal, two people said on condition of anonymity.

This American ban will be implemented without the involvement of its European allies, according to people familiar with the matter, quoted by Bloomberg.

In 2021, energy represented 62% EU imports From Russia. Thus, Moscow provides 20% of Europe’s needs for crude oil and 40% of gas demand. By comparison, Russian oil accounts for only 3% of US imports. In general, imports of Russian oil and petroleum products amounted to about 8% of the total US volume.

On the Russian side, exports to the US represent only a minimal share of the oil trade. In 2020, the United States accounted for just 1.3% of oil exports to Russia, according to UN Comtrade, well behind China (32.8%), the Netherlands (13%) and Germany (8.7%).

A decision that will be widely supported by the American population. According to a Quinnipiac poll conducted March 4-6, 71% of Americans support a Russian oil ban, 22% oppose and 7% have no opinion. According to the poll, 56% of Americans believe that the United States is not tough enough on Russia after the invasion.

Frederic Bianchi