The US is now world monkeypox capital as a record breaking

The US is now world monkeypox capital as a record-breaking 1,048 diagnoses in 24 hours overtakes Spain

The United States has become the global epicenter of the monkeypox outbreak, overtaking Spain after a record-breaking 24 hours in which 1,048 new cases were confirmed.

Updated data for Wednesday shows there are now 4,639 confirmed cases in the US

Spain currently has 3,738.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Wednesday the rise in cases was likely due to an increase in testing after capacity was expanded from 10,000 swabs to 80,000 a week.

By population—taking into account that the US has seven times the population of Spain—America has about one case per 100,000 people.

Spain’s balance is seven per 100,000.

The infection rate in the US is also below many other European countries, including the UK and Germany (both at three per 100,000).

A protester holds up a sign in New York City July 21, urging the government to do more to make the monkeypox vaccine available

A protester holds up a sign in New York City July 21, urging the government to do more to make the monkeypox vaccine available

Experts fear the disease has already spread to more vulnerable groups, such as B. Children under the age of eight, who health officials say are at high risk of serious illnesses.

Two children — in California and one passing through DC — have tested positive for monkeypox so far, the CDC says.

America’s response to monkeypox has been criticized for being slow to get testing and immunizations early in the outbreak, particularly among gay or bisexual men, who account for most cases.

No deaths have been recorded so far, but several patients have been hospitalized.

averaged the daily increase in cases over the last seven available days to calculate how fast they are increasing every 24 hours.

This showed that the US is currently recording an average of about 216 cases of monkeypox per day, while Spain is detecting 108 per day.

Washington DC joins New York City in delaying second monkeypox vaccine

Washington DC has postponed the introduction of the second dose of monkeypox, joining New York City.

The Department of Health announced the move on Monday, citing “very limited” stocks of vaccines and a rapid increase in cases.

They said: “This is extremely important as having more people vaccinated with their first vaccine will help us contain the virus.”

America introduces the Jynneous vaccine to combat monkeypox with two doses, with the second dose to be given four weeks after the first.

But some experts say it’s possible to widen the gap – as has happened with the Covid vaccine in other countries – to ensure more people can be vaccinated first.

However, a Food and Drug Administration vaccine adviser has warned against the move, saying no studies have been conducted to determine if the vaccines are still effective.

Both New York City and Washington DC offer monkeypox vaccinations to gay or bisexual men with multiple sexual partners.

Another European nation is unlikely to advance as experts say many – including Britain – are now watching its outbreak peak.

dr Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at Harvard University, said: “The US has been slow to get started with widespread testing and so is now recognizing chains of transmission that have been going on uninterrupted for some time.

“We don’t know how much increased awareness, particularly in the core communities of gay and bisexual men, will slow transmission.

“But it is reasonable to assume that the number of US cases will continue to rise and outstrip that of the outbreak elsewhere.”

Spain is at the center of the monkeypox outbreak in Europe and was among the first countries to report the disease – with early cases linked to unsafe sex among gay or bisexual men at a location outside the country’s capital, Madrid, and a Pride event in the Canary Islands.

Since then, the vast majority of cases have been detected in the same group, but some have been detected in women — often those living with gay or bisexual men. A three-year-old also tested positive for the virus.

The country’s health authorities have rolled out vaccines for close contacts to stem cases, but there have been problems getting doses.

Spain – like the US – uses the Jynneous vaccine but only had 200 doses available at the beginning of July. It has said more doses will be ordered but has not given a number.

In the US, cases were initially linked primarily to international travel, particularly to Europe, but many are now being detected in people who contracted the disease in the country. Experts believe the virus may have been transmitted for a while before it was discovered.

Hotspots New York City and Washington DC are rolling out vaccines for the virus for gay or bisexual men with multiple partners in two weeks in a bid to get the virus under control, but those programs have hit a brick wall as the federal government undersupplies doses has government.

Both cities are now postponing the second dose, which is due four weeks after the first, due to demand.

A total of five million vaccines have been ordered so far, adding to the more than one million that were available when the program began.

Testing has also been stepped up after being slammed early on over strict guidelines on what samples could be tested, resulting in just 23 swabs being tested for the virus a day early in the outbreak.

Five commercial laboratories have now been brought on board with a total capacity for approximately 80,000 swabs per week.

Since then, daily numbers have skyrocketed, with the biggest daily increase recorded on Wednesday, with 1,048 cases over the past 24 hours.

Breaking down the data by area shows that New York City is currently having the largest outbreak, with 1,040 confirmed infections, according to the Department of Health. The CDC says the state currently has 990 infections.

California followed with 356 and Illinois with 341.

Only four states — Maine, Montana, Vermont and Wyoming — have yet to record a single infection with the disease.

It’s not clear if other states — besides New York — are preparing to start vaccinating gay or bisexual men, where most cases are discovered, in a bid to help get a handle on the outbreak.

Monkeypox is usually confined to West Africa, but earlier this year it was caught at a Pride festival in Spain.

Since then, more than 40 countries around the world – mostly in Europe – have detected cases of the disease, mostly among gay or bisexual men.

Unlike previous outbreaks, the disease appears to spread primarily through sexual contact, with lesions — allowing transmission — appearing initially in the genital and anal areas.

Experts say the disease has likely already spread to other groups who are more at risk.

In the United States it was determined last week that two children were infected.