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The US must prepare for simultaneous wars with China and Russia, says a report

The United States must prepare for possible simultaneous wars against Russia and China by expanding its conventional forces, strengthening alliances and improving its nuclear weapons modernization program, a bipartisan panel in the US Congress said on Thursday.

The Strategic Posture Commission report comes amid tensions with China over Taiwan and other issues, as well as rising tensions with Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

A senior official involved in the report declined to say whether the panel’s intelligence showed any cooperation between China and Russia on nuclear weapons.

“We fear that there could end up being coordination between them, leading us to construct two wars,” the official said on condition of anonymity.

The results would alter the current U.S. national security strategy, which aims to win one conflict while deterring another, and would require large increases in defense spending that would be uncertain about support in Congress.

The reports contrast with US President Joe Biden’s position that the current US nuclear arsenal is sufficient to deter the combined forces of Russia and China.

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