The US threatens to boycott the G20 meeting if Russia

The US threatens to boycott the G20 meeting if Russia attends it

The United States will boycott some sessions of the Group-20 Treasury Ministers meeting when Russia attends, a US Treasury Department official said today.

However, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, the US representative at the event scheduled for Wednesday, will attend the opening dedicated to the global economy.

According to a senior Treasury Department official, the United States does not want the presence of Russian officials in the G20 to hamper the group’s work.

“But the appointment cannot be a meeting like others for Russia,” whose finance minister will attend some meetings virtually, he added.

Therefore, the United States and its allies will “continue efforts” to increase economic pressure on Russia and target those trying to circumvent sanctions against Moscow, he warned.

The US stance adds to an earlier statement by France’s economy ministry, which warned several G7 countries could walk away from the G20 meeting if Russia speaks.

According to press reports, some Western nations want to exclude Russia from the G20; but Indonesia, which chairs the group this year, remains “impartial”.

G20 Finance will take place as part of the IMF-World Bank spring meeting week in Washington and will bring together ministers and central bankers from the countries that make up the group, including Russia, in a hybrid fashion.