1695132874 The Valencian Cortes condemn the recent sexist murders with divisions

The Valencian Cortes condemn the recent sexist murders with divisions and different banners

The Valencian Cortes observed three minutes of silence to condemn the recent sexist murders.  In the picture on the left, President Llanos Massó (Vox) together with MPs from the ethnic group and on the right in the picture, MPs from the PSPV and compromises with various banners.The Valencian Cortes observed three minutes of silence to condemn the recent sexist murders. In the picture on the left, President Llanos Massó (Vox) together with MPs from the ethnic group and on the right in the picture, MPs from the PSPV and Compromís with various banners.Biel Aliño (EFE)

The minutes of silence called this Tuesday by the main public institutions of Valencia to condemn the recent sexist murders in the Valencian Community, especially in Orihuela Costa and Castellón, were marred by slogans and banners of condemnation. Two banners have been placed on the doors of the Valencian Cortes: one with the inscription “No to violence against women”, behind which the PP and Vox deputies have gathered, and one placed during the last legislative period, whose motto is “ Las Courts against Sexism” is violence and which the MPs from PSPV-PSOE and Compromís have stood behind.

Practically at the same time, the Ministry of Justice and Interior, led by the far-right group, published a tweet condemning without any nuance the two sexist murders and the murder of a man, allegedly committed by the woman with whom he had a relationship had. Employees in Alcàsser. “We work to eliminate all types of domestic violence against women, men and children,” writes Justicia. However, the mayor of Alcàsser himself, Alberto Primo of the PP, stated last Monday that the conviction for “gender-based violence” must be separated from the recent deaths of two women in Orihuela and Castellón, since they were “the one who committed the crime “. “Generalitat” by “the President Carlos Mazón and the Vice President Susana Camarero” on the violent death of Manuel. “It’s not the same. We show our unconditional support to the family so that we can imagine how they are feeling. Of course we condemn any form of violence,” he added.

The department has reached the doors of the Consell. Treasury spokesperson and adviser Ruth Merino responded after Tuesday’s plenary session. “This Consell is united and working together to address gender-based violence. Banners do not save lives and nomenclature should be secondary. I don’t care what it’s called or what semantic problems there are. When it comes to women feeling protected, government measures are important,” emphasized Merino.

The condemnation rally this Tuesday was the first to take place after an agreement was reached last week at the table of the Valencian Parliament between PP and Vox, government partners, to regulate these acts. The Socialists demanded in the Cortes that this concentration should be uniform, since Vox has not been behind the banner in either the two concentrations that have taken place so far in the legislative period, nor those that have taken place since his arrival in the Valencian Parliament in 2019 stood, and neither will they have the motto “Against gender-based violence”.

The PP presented an alternative proposal, which was adopted with the votes in favor of Popular and Vox, which have an absolute majority in the Cortes, and against PSPV-PSOE and Compromís, in which it regulated these concentrations, for which there is no protocol and set the motto “No to violence against women”, which will also be on display this Tuesday.

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At the end of the three minutes of silence, the PP ombudsman Miguel Barrachina accused the opposition of “playing around” with the banners, of not respecting the only “legal agreement” existing in this Parliament on these concentrations and of “usurping the name” of the Cortes on their banner to create “division.”

The leader of the Socialist Group, Ximo Puig, has explained that to combat this violence we must “conceptualize well” since women are killed because they are women and since “it is the sexist ideology that kills”. There can be “no kind of condescension towards denial, because denial also kills.”

For Compromís’ spokesman, Joan Baldoví, “the desire to hide a problem by changing one’s name is a way of playing the ostrich, bowing one’s head” and “submitting” to the demands of the PP from Vox, but we have to give them names: “It is sexist violence” and that is why “we have gathered as always with the same banner.”

In front of the Palau de la Generalitat, its members held a minute’s silence for the recent sexist murders in Orihuela, Castellón and the last in Murcia. Second Vice President and Gender Adviser Susana Camarero has expressed the pain of the regional executive and encouraged women to come forward. “We are on your side,” he said.

When asked about the choice between “violence against women” instead of “gender violence” or “sexist violence,” Camarero explained that “the most important thing is the unanimous condemnation of the entire society and the Consell against the violence suffered by women.” has defended , that “the important thing is not the name, the important thing is not the banners” because “the banners don’t save lives”.

Minute of silence in the Valencia City Council against the recent sexist murders in the Valencian Community.Minute of silence in the Valencia City Council against the recent sexist murders in the Valencian Community. Valencia City Council

Further differences in the city council

The image in front of the facade of the Valencia City Council also highlighted differences between political formations. The minute’s silence took place there at 10 a.m. and the government councilors, the PP and those of Vox followed it without banners, while the PSPV put up a banner with the message “No to sexist terrorism” and the councilors of Compromís everyone entered Sign with the motto: Stop sexist violence. We want you to live.

In Castellón, the mayor Begoña Carrasco of the PP and the sub-delegate of the government of this province, Soleda Ten, observed a minute’s silence in front of the doors of the town hall.

The government delegation of the Valencian Community held a minute of silence this Tuesday under the motto “Do not look away in the face of gender-based violence”, which appeared on a poster on the facade of the Temple Palace, to condemn “sexist murders”. by Suzan Ann in Orihuela Costa and by Nicoleta María in Castellón.”