The Vatican: “Yes to trans baptism and gays can be godparents”

Nothing prevents transsexuals from applying for and receiving baptism. They can also be godparents and witnesses at a church wedding. Homosexual godparents who live with another person also receive the green light, provided they “lead a life in harmony with their faith”. These are the notes of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith led by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez. It answers some questions sent to the Dicastery in July 2023 by Msgr. José Negri, Bishop of Santo Amaro in Brazil, with some questions about the possible participation in the sacraments of baptism and marriage by transsexual and homosexual people.

These are all reactions in the spirit of canon law, but it is conceivable that they will cause controversy. Even if it is difficult to imagine that the Church excludes adults who ask to receive baptism, even if only intuitively, in terms of the number of godparents and witnesses or people available to support those interested in the faith The Vatican says the evidence may be unprecedented. On the other hand, the Argentine Fernandez responds to Pope Francis’ appeal – “todos, todos, todos” – with which the pontiff had repeatedly asked to welcome everyone to the Church. Transsexuals and baptism.

“A transsexual who has also undergone hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery may receive baptism under the same conditions as other believers, provided there are no situations in which there is a risk of public scandal or disorientation among the faithful.” “Children or young people with transsexual problems can receive baptism if they are well prepared and ready,” states the Vatican.

A trans person can also be a best man at a wedding or a godfather to a baptized person: “Under certain conditions, an adult transsexual who has also undergone hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery can be accepted into the role of godfather or godmother.” This task is a right, pastoral prudence demands that it not be permitted if there is a risk of scandal.” The problem of homosexual parents or those who have fathered their child through pregnancy for others is also addressed. “Can two homosexual people act as parents of a child who must be baptized and who was adopted or obtained through other methods such as a rented womb?” the bishop of Brazil asked the Vatican. The response of the Dicastery of Faith: “In order for the child to be baptized, there must be a reasonable hope that he or she will be raised in the Catholic religion.”

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