no cooking Meat And Fish inside the building. Here is what is required owner of two Studio Apartments become the most famous Brooklyn. The man is popular in the city because of his announcement on the Internet and his request not to cook meat or fish in the apartments he is looking for tenants. The request arises from the fact that, being vegandoes not accept animal products prepared in our own studios.
This particular request was published on the website made him famous in a short time.
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The clause of the vegan owner
According to the vegan homeowner, the only requirement to gain entry to the Brooklyn studios is not to cook meat or fish. Delivering the news is that New York Times. The American newspaper reports that the request posted on the classifieds site was later removed: “No meat/fish in the building,” the announcement said.
However, the NYT reported that the apartments, which cost nearly $6,000 a month, can still accommodate meat and fish eaters as long as they aren’t prepared in the building.
“Not only is he a vegetarian, but the owner lives right in the building and doesn’t want the smell of cooked meat to waft upstairs,” a real estate agent told the NYT.
A person residing in the same building is aware of the situation of the building that has been communicated to them insider“It has good ventilation, but not exceptional” and this leads us to an understanding of the reasons that compel the Brooklyn studio apartment owner to set certain limits.
The building’s tenant explained that since 2007, previous tenants have been asked to follow this rule, but no one has ever particularly complained. “They don’t care because they’re buying takeout. However, they almost never cook themselves,” said the tenant of the building a insider. “If it works, great. If it doesn’t work, you don’t live there,” he said.
Although these requirements are atypical, owners have historically imposed restrictions on meat consumption. It’s not illegal in New York State, according to Lucas A. Ferrara, author of Tenant-Landlord Practices in New York. A landlord in Washington gave discounts to renters who didn’t eat meat, he said Vice in 2015. And in Canada, vegetable-only rentals have become popular to attract people who don’t eat animal products for religious or cultural reasons.
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