1706279315 The very discreet adventures of Viktor Orban39s son in the

The very discreet adventures of Viktor Orban's son in the Sahel

Screenshot of a video broadcast on the Facebook account of the Presidency of the Republic of Chad on December 7, 2023, showing the reception of the Hungarian diplomatic chief by the Chadian head of state.  In the background on the right is Gaspar Orban with a green hat. Screenshot of a video broadcast on the Facebook account of the Presidency of the Republic of Chad on December 7, 2023, showing the reception of the Hungarian diplomatic chief by the Chadian head of state. In the background on the right is Gaspar Orban with a green hat. FACEBOOK/@PRESIDENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHAD

As soon as a target appears, it hides behind a pillar. When cameras can't be avoided, he hides his face behind a surgical mask, sometimes paired with a pretty green fedora, which previous reports suggest fits well with the dated Italian dandy style he's recently adopted. However, these latter and various facial recognition software used by Le Monde and its partners at the Hungarian investigative site Direkt36 are categorical: the man who puts so much emphasis on hiding in the official images of the numerous Hungarian diplomatic visits to the Sahel in these last few months is actually the Son of Viktor Orban.

The very discreet adventures of Viktor Orban39s son in the Also listen to Viktor Orban: the man who makes Europe sing from within

“It's 100% him,” said one person who knows him well after looking at one of the rare photos found on Facebook of him with his face uncovered during a trip to Chad in October 2023 see is. So far, the discreet army officer Gaspar Orban, only son of the Hungarian nationalist prime minister (he has four daughters), is at just 32 years old at the center of the astonishing diplomatic-military offensive launched by the Hungarian nationalist prime minister in the Sahel. 200 Hungarian soldiers are to be sent to Chad in the coming months. This operation, unprecedented for Hungary, aims to “carry out advisory, assistance and surveillance tasks on the battlefield (…) and support the fight against terrorism,” says the mandate passed by the Hungarian Parliament in November.

Excerpt from a video broadcast on October 25, 2023 on the Facebook account of CNARR Chad (National Commission for the Reception and Reintegration of Refugees and Returnees).  Gaspar Orban is second from the right. Excerpt from a video broadcast on October 25, 2023 on the Facebook account of CNARR Chad (National Commission for the Reception and Reintegration of Refugees and Returnees). Gaspar Orban is second from the right. FACEBOOK/@CNARR CHAD

This mission in an African country that has so far been far removed from Hungarian interests has been raising many questions in Budapest, but also in Paris, for months. France is still present with more than 1,000 troops in Chad, its last ally in the Sahel after the series of coups in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger led by soldiers who moved closer to Moscow. The French authorities are also aware that Mr Orban's son is directly involved in the Hungarian operation. However, Paris wants to believe that this mission will help stabilize this country in good agreement with the French armed forces, despite the close ties that Mr. Orban still maintains with Vladimir Putin. It is noteworthy that the Russian president received his Chadian counterpart in Moscow on January 24 and promised him that he would contribute to the stability of his country “by all possible means.”

“Necessary flexibility”

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