Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

The Vice President of Bolivia emphasizes the diplomacy of the peoples

Choquehuanca addressed officials from the Institute for Higher National Studies of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, who are on an academic trip to the plurinational state.

Also present in the auditorium of the Military School of Engineering in southern La Paz were hierarchs from the Institutions of Higher National Studies and the Command Schools and the Naval General Staff of Bolivia, to whom the Vice President addressed the geopolitics of the good life. argued in a book of his authorship.

In his presentation, the authority emphasized the importance of “fraternity and unity, both individually and collectively, to overcome the divisions between north and south, east and west, within the framework of Vivir Bien and geopolitics politics”.

Insisting on the need to replace the anthropocentric paradigm with a biocentric one that respects all living things, Choquehuanca called for an end to the division imposed on the world after World War II and advocated a path of brotherhood, balance and truth .

The author of the volume Geapolitica del Vivir Bien reiterated the view that over time, from the south of the continent, the “rainbow warriors” will emerge vigorously to restore harmony on the planet.

In this vision, he paid tribute to the wiphala, a national symbol, which he called the codification of the rainbow, according to an institutional vice presidency statement.

He emphasized that despite the lack of recognition of these issues in schools and universities, Wiphala is always present, as stipulated in the political constitution of the state of Bolivia.

Although “the saboteurs may attempt to confuse and sabotage the path back to balance, they cannot stop or eliminate it,” Choquehuanca concluded.

In the book, Choquehuanca states that “in the face of the geopolitics of domination and submission, the geopolitics of the good life emerges from the rebellion of the peoples, from the heart of our Pacha Mama, from the indomitable Abya Yala (ripe land of eternity).” Youth in constant renewal).

He adds that this concept aims to restore the path of fraternity, complementarity, consensus, harmony and peace, placing Gea, Pacha Mama, Mother Earth, at the center of national and international political action.

“All of us who are fed the milk of Mother Earth (water) are brothers, human, plant and animal, similar and different, complementing each other,” the author concludes.
