The Voice a tribute album for the trainers

“The Voice”: a tribute album for the trainers

The 24 direct candidates from “La Voix” are releasing an album this Thursday that pays tribute to the coaches. As a duo they play three big hits by Marjo, Corneille, Marc Dupré and Mario Pelchat in completely different styles.

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The production first asked the four coaches to provide them with five songs from their repertoire that would be interesting to sing as a duo and that could end up on the “La Voix 2023” album.

“We didn’t necessarily ask them to be big, we didn’t dictate anything,” said Toby Gendron, the disc’s director. Then, together with my accomplice Sylvain Michel, I chose the three titles that we wanted to keep.

The pairing of candidates and songs was done in a second step with the participation of Marie-Ève ​​​​​​Riverin, the show’s vocal coach. “It wasn’t easy,” specifies the director. It was necessary to find the candidates’ common styles, check the tones of each to form a duo, and then assign them a song. In the end we are still very happy with our choice.

Toby Gendron

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Toby Gendron

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With this album, Toby Gendron primarily wanted to offer these songs with original packaging and arrangements. “We really wanted to take them somewhere else, I didn’t want to repeat the titles the way they were at the beginning. It was our main concern. Depending on the personality of the candidates, we wanted to get closer to their style. The coaches have listened to the album and seem very pleased.

The twelve duos offer twelve revised versions that differ greatly from one another in twelve colors. For example, we can hear Julie St-Pierre and Nathaël Young taking over “If It Was Needed” by Marjo, Jay and Mélodie-Jade, or “Everybody” by Corneille. The voices of Steffy Beyong and Marie-France Lantin blend perfectly on “Je n’t’aime plus” by Mario Pelchat, while Loïk Jolicoeur and Adam El Mouna have fun on “Tout l’amour qu’on donne” by Marc Dupre.

The director, who has worked on albums for “Star Académie” and “La Voix” in the past, was surprised by the professionalism of the candidates, some of whom set foot in a recording studio for the first time.

“They all arrived very well prepared, they had learned their song. When they got to the studio, they were told to take their time, don’t get stressed, and all went well. We had time to design, they brought ideas. I have to say that there are some who are very artistic and have everything they need to be successful in this profession.

The album “La Voix 2023” is available from this Thursday, packaged with the special edition “La Voix” of the magazine 7 Jours. The titles of the disc can also be found on digital platforms.